Agreed, lets get it movementing!


2011/3/25 Alice Wiegand <>
Hi Asaf,
I am very impressed of the result and I am pretty sure that this doesn't need to be overviewed until it is absolutely perfect. I cannont find any mistakes oder difficulties and would like to see it spreaded out a early as possible.

Viele Grüße, Alice.

Am 25.03.2011 um 11:05 schrieb Asaf Bartov <>:

Lodewijk: Done.

Jon: the German is just Google playing geographical-IP-based interface tricks on you.  I used no German in the form, ja?

SJ: creating a separate (identical) version of the two parts for the general public is zero-effort, so sure.

Waiting for more comments from MR people, or for an explicit encouragement to start spreading it among WMCON attendees.



On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 9:03 AM, Lodewijk <> wrote:
Hi Asaf,

great work! 

Forthe MC survey, could you please for the "if yes" question add two radiobuttons with yes/no ? Then we know whether someone meant no, or just was lazy. 

You could possibly add links (opening in a new window?) to the strategywiki to explain the terms you used. To make sure everybody has the same understanding. 

For the quality option, Option 4 should be Other? 

The mailing list about movement roles would be announcement only I assume? I would add that to be clear. I.e., no discussions. If they say yes, what about asking their email address? Then we can immediately subscribe them. 

I assume that the open questions Questionnair is not finished yet? The questions are all identical :) 

Thanks again for the good work, I like the MC one very much. Adding an encouragement on the top that they can add extra options would probably remove the need for the extra survey. KISS. 



2011/3/24 Asaf Bartov <>
At SJ's suggestion, added open questions in a separate form (to maximize respondents)

Draft Questionnaire - part 1 (multiple choice):
Draft Questionnaire - part 2 (open questions):


On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 8:02 PM, Asaf Bartov <> wrote:
Please review the DRAFT form.  Do tell me what to add/change/remove.

Asaf Bartov <>

Asaf Bartov <>

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Asaf Bartov <>
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