The iOS team has recently pushed a release candidate beta of the Wikipedia app to our TestFlight users.
This version contains no new features, but makes major improvements under the hood. These changes should result in the app using less resources (disk space and background battery, especially) and also be faster and more stable. Although we've pushed a couple betas of this version, we still need more help testing these important changes.
*If you are a Wikipedia iOS beta tester, please install the 5.4.1 version from TestFlight! We need YOUR help.*
If you are not a beta tester, but would like to be one, please sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfW7zFnUDYABvHLWlFclZ7OJEK82WjVIjs_...
Thanks, Josh Product Manager, Wikipedia for iOS