I've been poking at Wikipedia with my iPad and have found that I don't always get sent consistently to the mobile site as expected since the recent updates... especially when switching languages or following links from the portal page or web searches.

Not sure if this is just because I have stray opt-in/opt-out cookies on various languages from various previous browsing or if there's something funky.

Steps to reproduce:
1) Open Safari and go to https://www.wikipedia.org/ portal
2) Click "English"
3) see that I'm on the desktop site, logged in
4) Click "Mobile view" link to force back to mobile site
5) Manually go back to https://www.wikipedia.org/
6) Click "English" again
7) ...see that I'm on the desktop site again, still logged in


1) Follow above procedure up to getting on English mobile site
2) Go to a random article
3) "Read in other languages", pick a language like Czech or Galician
4) find I'm back on the desktop site in that language

Can anyone else reproduce this or have I just messed up my cookies?

-- brion