

In general it's best to send those to mobile-l mailing list. See my comments inline.

    1 ) :  app can load the page i created on local mediaWiki server ,but the images can not display on my app, then i tried to open the same page with mobile brower the images showed correct. It seems that load images on app is different from brower . so what shoud i do with the code of mediaWiki-android-app.

We have a setting for whether to show images (PrefKeys.PREFERENCE_SHOW_IMAGES) now, but that's probably not it since it defaults to true. 
Since the images are referenced by the WebView I recommend using Chrome debugger (chrome://inspect/#devices) to take a look at the current WebView (use the first WebView under the application name; I highly recommend to either add rotation lock or don't move your device), and see what the URLs for the img src attributes are. I hope this will reveal the right clues.

    2 ):  i want to add functions such as "Discussion" and "View History" of a specific page to the app just as the function we see  in mediaWiki from PC's brower , where should i add of modify code in mediaWiki-android-app ? and for local mediaWiki server,should i write my own php file ?

A "View History" link is already available at the bottom of the page. Look for the "Last update x days ago" link at the very end of the page. This will point to mobile web. The links is now done in Java code: BottomContentHandler.setupAttribution(). 

We would like to have a link to Discussions, too. It's not decided at the moment where this would go. I could see links to article talk pages going to the end of the article page as well. In your case you could probably hard-code the Talk prefix, or whatever it is called on your site (Discussion, ...). See my patch at https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/197851 to see what I mean. 
We would have to make it more generic since we support many wiki sites and would need to have a list of all translations of the prefix. To complicate matters, there is also the issue that there are actually multiple types of talk pages: (article) talk, file talk, project talk, user talk, ... (see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Namespace#Built-in_namespaces). You probably want to handle at least article and file talk pages, the latter I left for you as an exercise. I think the user talk pages are very valuable as well. User talk page links belong somewhere else, probably from an action in the NavDrawerFragment in the item that shows the user name for logged in users.

Good luck with your treasure hunt, and please report back any findings.
