(moving to mobile-l)

Excellent work!

Compared to the "easy" tag this list serves a different audience; short tasks for total newbies for the "easy" tag, as compared slightly more involved tasks for more tech-savvy but apps-inexperienced devs for this tracking task.

Could you also tag a few more tasks as "easy" so we've got both bases covered for the Hackathon?



On Wednesday, March 4, 2015, Dmitry Brant <dbrant@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Hey all,

I created a tracking task for aggregating hackathon-worthy projects related to our apps (feel free to add other blocking tasks to it). We can use it for organizing and submitting our proposals for Lyon, Wikimania, and beyond:

This is specifically for tasks that would benefit from some level of collaboration (with volunteers and/or other teams), rather than simple bugfixes.

I linked to it from the Lyon Hackathon task:


Dan Garry
Associate Product Manager, Mobile Apps
Wikimedia Foundation