Members of the readership team who are working on the Gather extension kicked off sprint "Help!" [1] today after completing sprint "Greatest hits" [2] with 17 story points out of the 30 we committed to. We had a few disruptions, e.g. a reorg just happened :-)!, so we're not too concerned about not meeting our target.

Sprint Greatest hits mostly saw us polishing existing features, discussing some architecture changes and improving our infrastructure. Tangibly it resulted in seeing our beta opt ins increase jump from 2K to 40K a day [3] but we experienced a few hiccups! We are also now showing a create collection button at the bottom of the collections page.

This sprint we've committed to 26 story points, a little less than the normal 30, mostly in anticipation of disruption due to the Lyon hackathon. We'll be exploring an auto-moderation system, more infrastructure changes, and improving our onboarding workflow to try and minimise the amount of 1 item collections we are seeing.