It's totally up to you guys :) If it isn't helpful then you shouldn't have it. 

I just wanted to chime in because as a user (or at least as a user who understands bugzilla which is a big caveat since many won't understand bugzilla... or possibly even a wiki page ) I like it as a place for both feature requests and bugs.I've always found wiki pages get massively cluttered and having them on separate and trackable tickets makes it a lot easier to follow and understand.


James Alexander
Manager, Merchandise
Wikimedia Foundation
(415) 839-6885 x6716 @jamesofur

On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 11:12 AM, Jon Robson <> wrote:
> If they aren't going to get fixed at all (especially if those apps aren't
> going to be developed as much etc) then WONTFIX obviously but bugzilla is
> specifically used for 'wishlist' options as well as bugs (hence the feature
> request option).

I think this is totally wrong. My personal opinion is bugzilla should
be used for bugs and bugs alone. As a developer I find wishlist items
to be unhelpful and just add noise - a lot of the time the things
being wished for are not necessarily useful. I'd much rather we had a
system to capture these - why can't we just have a wiki for this sort
of thing?