Hi Dan,

I understand the goals here but the resource requirements surprise me:

"The proposer of this project estimates that the following resources are the minimum required to achieve this goal:

* 2 FTE iOS engineers
* 2 FTE Android engineers
* 1.5 FTE user-experience designers
* 1 FTE product manager
* 0.5 FTE scrum master
* 1 FTE QA tester"

Why are (7 FTEs * 40 hours * 13 weeks = 3,640 labor hours) required to achieve what appears to be a simple goal?

Thanks (:


On Mar 9, 2015 7:09 PM, "Dan Garry" <dgarry@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Breaking news! Product manager puts in project proposal for Q4 priorities! Read all about it!



Dan Garry
Associate Product Manager, Mobile Apps
Wikimedia Foundation

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