I thought Closer meant random+Geonearby

I'd recommend this isn't a button but a list—

Item Title
Item Title
Item Title

Item Title
Item Title
Item Title

For related we use the Meow method, then switch to the Linky Method when the data exists. but always remove any pages that the user has seen this session (is that even possible?)

We should also make sure the same items aren't appearing in both lists

Jared Zimmerman  \\  Director of User Experience \\ Wikimedia Foundation               
M : +1 415 609 4043 |   :  @JaredZimmerman

On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 11:19 AM, Yuvi Panda <yuvipanda@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 3:39 PM, Jared Zimmerman <jared.zimmerman@wikimedia.org> wrote:
What does Meow, Linky, Closer mean?

'Meow' is Category based - it picks an article with the following process:

1. Pick a non-hidden category of the current page at random
2. Pick an article in that category at random
3. Go to that picked article

'Linky' is simpler:

1. Pick a random outgoing wikilink of the current page
2. Go to that picked wikilink

'Closer' is slighlty more complex, and works only when you have used 'Linky' at least once:

1. Make an intersection of all links that were present both in *this* article and the previous article
2. Pick a link out of the intersection at random
3. Go to that link.

Which one do you think gives you the best 'related to the current article, but slightly random' results? 

Yuvi Panda T