Also, there's some places where that trick won't work (like batch editing typeaheads), so I've discovered that addressing the project by one of the additional hashtags lets you search for it (like readership-web for reading-web).


On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 11:07 AM, Joaquin Oltra Hernandez <> wrote:

Because of if you try and find the #reading-web project when doing a phabricator advanced search the project won't show up.

In order to have it show up there's a workaround right now which is executing JX.TypeaheadSource.prototype.setMaximumResultCount(100) to make phabricator show more results when autocompleting.

There's extensions for all browsers to run scripts per domain when a page loads, for example Tampermonkey for Chrome.

Hope this helps if anybody else has the same problem.
