On 14 July 2014 06:44, Željko Filipin <zfilipin@wikimedia.org> wrote:
On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 12:50 AM, James Forrester <jforrester@wikimedia.org> wrote:
​Steps (I had to do this last week; sharing the learning rather than just replicating the issue):
  1. ​Go​ to https://integration.wikimedia.org/ci/view/BrowserTests/
  2. Be logged in as someone with admin permissions (I think that's automatic for ldap/wmf)
  3. Go to the browser test you want to modify (e.g. the MobileFrontend Chrome enwiki BetaLabs one)
  4. Click "configure" in the upper-left of the project page.
  5. Scroll down to "Project Recipient List"
  6. Add/remove as needed.
  7. Press "Save" at the bottom of the page.
Oh noes! That is _not_ the way to do it! :)

We use JJB[1] for job configuration. This[2] is how to do it.

You could _temporarily_ change a Jenkins job via the web interface (useful for debugging a job), but the next time somebody pushes a change via JJB, your change will be overwritten.

James, the changes you have made are overwritten, since we have been updating jobs via JJB last week. Let me know if you need help making changes to jobs.

​Ah, interesting. All the changes I've made to the VisualEditor jobs have stuck for weeks – presumably they've not been updated since? Apologies all for the mis-information.

James D. Forrester
Product Manager, Editing
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

jforrester@wikimedia.org | @jdforrester