On 25 March 2014 14:07, Jon Robson <jdlrobson@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 12:14 PM, James Forrester
<jforrester@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> On 25 March 2014 11:21, Jon Robson <jdlrobson@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 1) We are still not doing a good enough job of ensuring that VE keeps
>> compatibility with mobile. James - is there anyway we can alert you
>> better about these issues, maybe running our browser tests for VE
>> alongside yours?
> The browser tests do run alongside each other -- every 12 hours. They told us
> exactly that something had broken in the last 12 hours of code merges, and I
> was planning to look at them today to work out if it was just the usual.
> Pinging us in IRC would have helped us fix it faster, but < 2 business hours
> is OK, if not great sped for fixing.

Thanks for this. I wasn't aware of this but this is good. I just saw
the patch raised against MobileFrontend and wasn't sure if you guys
were aware of it. This wasn't meant as an attack of any sorts I just
wanted to explore if there were ways we could improve our workflow to
prevent huge breakages like this - my worry is had this change been
merged on a Wednesday we would have had to do a lightning deploy or
had VE broken on all wikis for a week which would have sucked.

​Oh, completely. It's why we try not to merge big things on Wednesdays.

James D. Forrester
Product Manager, VisualEditor
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

jforrester@wikimedia.org | @jdforrester