Some of the Mobile Apps Team engineers met to discuss the scope of the MVP for a mobile apps content service.

Firstly, we enumerated our goals for this content service:
We decided that the scope of the service should be feature parity; the service should be a drop-in replacement for our current API calls. More concretely, this means it should give us:
  • Data from mobileview
    • Wikidata description
    • Revision ID of page
    • Wikibase ID
  • Image meta data for all images in the page
    • License
    • Description
    • Includes the URL for the high resolution version used for the lead image
  • Exclude unused HTML
    • Navboxes, etc.
  • Exclude hidden elements
    • CSS: display: none; unless if we display later
  • Related articles suggestions from full text search API
Things which we want to add, but are out of scope for the first iteration:
  • Arbitrary Wikidata properties
  • Disambiguation (already "transcluded", following the chain of disambiguation pages and returning a JSON array of those links)
  • Page issues
  • Interwiki links
  • Table of contents (as a JSON array)
Open questions:
  • Versioning? What if we add or remove a field from the response? We should version this. Can we do this easily?

Dan Garry
Associate Product Manager, Mobile Apps
Wikimedia Foundation