On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 3:19 PM, Arthur Richards <arichards@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Greg, Rob, Tomasz and I just had an IRL conversation about this. Given some of the ambiguity of the test failures we've been discussing as related to 'infrastructure/architecture issues', we should be filing specific bug reports in Bugzilla in regards to the issues we see. I'll followup with the mobile web team directly to start digging into this. Further, it was clarified that Greg G has ownership of getting the issues resolved. We also agreed that for the time being, mobile-tech will be removed from the list of recipients of the failure emails until the issues are resolved. However, no one in the room was sure how to actually do this - Zeljko, Chris, Dan, is this something one of you can help out with?

Finally, I'd like to mention that none of the conversation on this thread was intended to question the integrity or validity of the hard work that the QA team has put in to making improvements to the testing infrastructure. We're all on the same (figurative) team, and we understand that it takes time to iron out inevitable issues particularly when it pertains to complex systems, migrations, etc. At the end of the day, we're very eager to be able to fully leverage an automated test system to help us ship better quality stuff, and the heart of this conversation is about resolving the things currently standing in the way of that goal.

Arthur, thanks for the excellent recap and for the conversation earlier.  I'm really happy we were able to hash things out, and my apologies again for being glib about the test failures.
