On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 3:14 PM, Arthur Richards <arichards@wikimedia.org> wrote:

Given what I've heard form Antoine and folks in ops, this issue is not likely to be resolved in the near term. Who is the 'owner' of betalabs anyway - ops? platform? QA?

Chris, what do you think we should do to resolve this asap?
To conclude, I will attempt to investigate that issue on Monday.

Antoine, did you have any luck?

A little forensics makes me think that the 503 from Varnish on a number of hosts began to appear on or about 20 Nov, first reported on meta, but noted in a possible Varnish configuration problem on 26 Nov on the ops mail list.

As for who 'owns' beta, it is more a matter of 'who owns what' on beta.  We seem to be surfacing some tricky Varnish config problem.  So:  who is it that owns the Varnish configuration on beta, especially since we seem to be seeing the 503 error on other wikis as well, but under-reported?