Hey Bernd,

Responses in-line.

On 16 September 2014 11:27, Bernd Sitzmann <bsitzmann@wikimedia.org> wrote:
I saw the Trello card for this and added the missing entry for the last production release yesterday. We probably don't need a separate column for app submitted vs. in store on Android since it's available within a few hours.

Thanks for updating the table!

Sure, we can remove the "app submitted" column. Its presence is an artefact of what the table looked like before I got my hands on it [1]; it used to have both iOS and Android releases in the same table so the column was needed.
What happened to the description of the older (PhoneGap) releases? 

I only had a few minutes to spare when I was editing the table, so I just ripped them out of the table completely. They're still in the page history [1], and I intend to add them back under the "Retired" section (which will probably be its own subpage, so it doesn't clutter the main page) when I get a chance.


[1]: https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=Mobile/Release_history&oldid=1162710

Dan Garry
Associate Product Manager, Mobile Apps
Wikimedia Foundation