+ Kouroush

A summary of ideas:

WP as destination:
-Sister projects swipable from cards
-WMF owned OS integration/browser add-ons

WP as platform:
-API for 'cards' on topics/JS library
-Make sure API changes aren't breaking experience for: apple, google, amazon?
-Help kindle optimize their calls
-Key partner list...do we have this for major integrations?  

These are great ideas, and I don't want to lose them.  
What should go on the brainstorming etherboard for Q1 and what should go elsewhere (and how do we make sure elsewhere isn't purgatory).


On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 11:34 AM, Gergo Tisza <gtisza@wikimedia.org> wrote:
On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 1:04 AM, S Page <spage@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Maybe WMF should offer its own browser- or OS-level integration, pushing the reading experience way beyond our sites.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Tools/Browser_tools lists various browser addons, such as Lookup companion for Wiki that do this. Meanwhile https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Tools#Searching has "Download 1-Click Answers Wikipedia Edition for Windows (beta) and then Alt-Click on any word in any program on your screen for instant, accurate facts." Who knew?!, makes me want to bust out Windows 2000 :) 

A WMF-maintained self-contained javascript library to fetch Wikipedia summaries / Wikidata descriptions / Wikitionary translations (and maybe even Commons images) for a given string and display them in a configurable popup window would be awesome. That could then be used as a bookmarklet, in browser extensions (most of those are written in JS so they just need a trivial wrapper around the library), or in web pages as a functionality provided by the site owner.

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