On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 12:16 PM, Yuvi Panda <yuvipanda@gmail.com> wrote:
As you might be aware, there has been ongoing work on a Commons application for Android[1]. Hashar was awesome enough to set up automated builds of it on Jenkins - you can download the latest from:



We haven't yet figured out how to automate signed builds for the iOS version, but if you've got XCode installed on your Mac you can easily clone the repo and build it locally to run in the simulator:


This runs on iOS 5 or later; currently only has a phone interface so on iPad it shows in iPhone compatibility mode.

The UI is totally provisional, expect it to change!

Uploads of new photos and gallery photos (currently to test2.wikipedia.org) work, but note that there's currently a bug that causes upload of screenshots from the gallery to fail. There's not much error checking so expect silent failures for now. ;)

We've already got contributions from three volunteer folks -- Jaikumar did the initial port of the API library to Objective-C after the Bangalore DevCamp, and a couple other folks have submitted patches for the Commons code. There's also some interest from a small group that started work on a Commons uploader a couple months ago in joining forces and working on ours, which should be very helpful.

Note that the iOS simulator doesn't hook up to the Mac's webcam, so you can't take fresh photos unless you install on a device. To get photos into the simulator's gallery, you can pull things up in Safari, long-press on the images, and hit 'Save Image' in the popup menu.

-- brion