On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 6:05 PM, Chris McMahon <cmcmahon@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Thanks to Željko, the next emails we receive for build status should be significantly more useful. 

Geoffrey Mon (one of the Google Code-in students) did all the work. I have sent screenshots to QA mailing list, I am attaching them here too.

Feel free to send thank you notes here, I will forward them to Geoffrey. If you would like to see something added/removed/changed, let us know.
Also, we had an instance of a Jenkins build marked red where no tests failed.  We have an open ticket with Cloudbees for this and we will be working with them to find out why.  https://wmf.ci.cloudbees.com/job/MobileFrontend-en.m.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org-linux-firefox/275/

A few days ago I have added --backtrace option to Cucumber, since Cloudbees support has recommended it. Looks like it did not provide more information. I have contacted them again. I will let you know as soon as they reply.
