We received the following feedback email through testflight:

Hi, I already tested your latest updates in Wikipedia 4.0.2, and I want to give you some feedbacks :

1.) If I want to see my previous article or my next article, I don't need to press the back (<) button or forward (>) button. Instead, I can swipe my finger from the left or right side of the display. (For example, the navigation gesture in Safari)

2.) When I want to delete my saved page, the animation is a bit late.

3.) The "Random" button in the sidebar. Actually, I don't understand why it was made. Because, someone who opens Wikipedia, must be know what he/she looking for. So, I want to suggest to delete the "Random" button (*if you don't mind)

That's all I want to say. And I hope to see another beta updates. Thank you.