I was on a phone when I looked at this - the videos don't work there so I was only looking at the screenshot. Yes looking at the video it does make more sense.

The bit that _doesn't_ make sense is where the 5 seconds come from.
The rule says this:


Nothing about 5 seconds.. Waiting 5 seconds for the spinner to disappear is way too optimistic. VisualEditor can take much much longer than this especially on beta labs. I'd suggest 10 seconds maybe even 15 seconds - where does this number 5 come from?

On a side note. I'm really concerned no one else other than me is paying notice to these mails as they are very noisy....
I'm keen to see less of these e-mails and only see them when they actually show something is broken. Is there a possibility to only send the mails when it has been broken for 2 test runs to avoid issues due to the server?

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 11:29 AM, Chris McMahon <cmcmahon@wikimedia.org> wrote:

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 12:20 PM, Jon Robson <jrobson@wikimedia.org> wrote:

Note sure why this failed. It works fine for me locally.... It's strange as the screenshot shows it got to the preview screen. Maybe the loader disappeared too fast?!

It tells you exactly why it failed.  The message "timed out after 5 seconds, waiting for {:class=>"spinner loading", :tag_name=>"div"} to disappear" seems perfectly clear to me, I hope it is to you also.  If you click the "Screencast" tab of the SauceLabs display, you see the spinner on the last step is present until the video ends. 


On 6 Feb 2014 23:00, <jenkins-no-reply@cloudbees.com> wrote:
FAILURE: MobileFrontend-en.m.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org-linux-firefox Build #336 (Fri, 07 Feb 2014 06:28:34 +0000)

Test Result

1 failed, 7 skipped

Failed Tests

Test NameDurationAge
Encourage new users to Keep Going.I see a KeepGoing message after completing my VisualEditor edit 1 min 41 sec6

All Tests

(root)25 min1761