hi there:
    i really need help for my wikimedia_android app.  it is not easy to study the project ,since i don't know where i can get the design documents about the android app . i have study wikimedia_android app for about a month(download from https://github.com/wikimedia/apps-android-wikipedia) ,i also build a mediaWiki (download from https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Download) on my wampserver (i didn't install any extentions on mediaWiki,i don't know what Extentions i need to install) . In left menu of app ,there are functions such as : Log in , Today , History ,Saved pages ,Nearby ,Random 

   What i want to do is that i tried to build my own android app which will connect to my local mediaWiki server ( to get all the data the app need.And all the functions (Log in , Today , History ,Saved pages ,Nearby ,Random ) work well.

   What i have done : i modify the  domain = "",  language ="zh"  in Site.java because of that my app can register and login ,app communicates well with my local mediaWiki server. and it will show my username in left menu.

   Problem i met: after i click "Today" ,the page of Today did not display on my android phone and i got these message :
03-11 15:35:46.176 31202-31202/org.wikipedia.alpha D/Wikipedia?s Using packaged styles 
03-11 15:35:46.201 31202-31202/org.wikipedia.alpha W/AwContents?s nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
03-11 15:35:46.261 31202-31202/org.wikipedia.alpha D/Wikipedia?s Using packaged styles
03-11 15:35:46.276 31202-31202/org.wikipedia.alpha W/AwContents?s nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
03-11 15:35:46.636 31202-31202/org.wikipedia.alpha I/chromium?s [INFO:async_pixel_transfer_manager_android.cc(60)] Async pixel transfers not supported 

  here is my question:
  1:  I don't know what happened ,why the page of "Today" did not display ? 
  2:  Is that because I didn't install any extentions on my local mediaWiki ? I saw "Mobile Web" and "Extension:MobileFrontend" in https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_mobile_engineering .If that true ,what Extentions do i need to install and how ?
  3: Or maybe i need to write some php program in my local mediaWiki server ? because it is my local server not Wikipedia server which may have some php program achieved by it's team 
  4: the function "Nearby"  and "Random" also didn't work,is that the same reason with "Today" ? if not ,what maybe the reasons ?
  5: Are there design  and api documents about the android app , and where i can get the documents ?
  6: Are there design  and api documents about the mediaWiki , and where i can get the documents ?

   I am now really confused with the project  ,i have  been working on that problem for two days but get nothing, I really hope someone can help .

  thanks a lot !
