Greetings Mobile Enthusiasts,

The official release of the WLM Android App has been published on the
Google Play store!

Now is the time to download the app from Google Play and tell us if
there are any issues before the contest starts on September 1st. All
uploads go to Commons, so send photos that you want the world to see.

In just a few days we've seen some amazing uploads including:


and you can see all of our mobile uploads below:

For those of you in San Francsico, come by to the third floor to see a
visualization of all the mobile uploads on the big screen in admin
alley. If your not with us then you can load: to see the same. We took the majority of these photos on Monday when the team took a break from development and wandered San Francisco, Tucson, and Chicago to field test our app. This was one of the best ways that we could test our app. Since Monday we've seen amazing photos from Pittsburgh, South Dakota, Mexico, and Spain from Wikipedians that we know and numerous that we don't. We love when this happens!

Please write to us with any comments so that we can make the app even better.

Thank you for your cooperation and support, and let's make 2012 the
best year ever!

Best regards,

The WMF Mobile Team

Phil Inje Chang
Product Manager, Mobile
Wikimedia Foundation
415-812-0854 m
415-882-7982 x 6810