Relevant to the list, I think :)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vibha Bamba <>
Date: Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 4:58 AM
Subject: Edit History of Article
To: Monte Hurd <>, Kenan Wang <>
Cc: Yuvaraj Pandian <>

Hi Monte,
The most mockups from Mobile Web mockups for 'Edit History of an article' now reside happily in this trello board. 

I'm on board if you want to re-use the mobile web view in a browser.
Yuvi has already hacked a list of contributors.

I'm working on the long term badass design solutions for this =]
These mockups have confessed that they are happy to make a brief appearance in apps.


Vibha Bamba
Senior Designer | WMF Design
To expect the unexpected shows a thoroughly modern intellect - Oscar Wilde