    I have insatll Extentions: MobileFrontend ,MobileApp, Mantle and GeoData. and my app can search and display pages on my local mediaWiki server. As there are functions : "today","history","saved pages","Nearby","Random".all work well except "today" and "Nearby".

1:    it seems that i still  need to install another extention to use the function of "today" , is that right ?
2:   database error : i install GeoData to get "Nearby" working follow instrcutions from https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:GeoData#Installation . but when i run the update script from the browser ,the update process stop ,and here is the message i got:


    • Including extensions... done
    • Setting up database... done
    • Creating tables... done
    • Creating database user... done
    • Populating default interwiki table... done
    • Initializing statistics... done
    • Generating secret keys... done
    • Prevent running unneeded updates... done
    • Creating administrator user account... done
    • Creating main page with default content... done
    • Creating tables for enabled extensions...
    • <!DOCTYPE html> 
      <html><head><title>Internal error - 西湖百科</title><style>body { font-family: sans-serif; margin: 0; padding: 0.5em 2em; }</style></head><body> 
      <p>[31b02da5] /w/mw-config/index.php?page=Install Exception from line 182 of D:\wamp\www\w\includes\Hooks.php: Invalid callback in hooks for LoadExtensionSchemaUpdates<br /> 
      </p><p>Backtrace:</p><p>#0 D:\wamp\www\w\includes\GlobalFunctions.php(3995): Hooks::run(string, array, NULL)<br /> 
      #1 D:\wamp\www\w\includes\installer\DatabaseUpdater.php(117): wfRunHooks(string, array)<br /> 
      #2 D:\wamp\www\w\includes\installer\DatabaseUpdater.php(171): DatabaseUpdater->__construct(DatabaseMysqli, boolean, NULL)<br /> 
      #3 D:\wamp\www\w\includes\installer\DatabaseInstaller.php(241): DatabaseUpdater::newForDB(DatabaseMysqli)<br /> 
      #4 [internal function]: DatabaseInstaller->createExtensionTables(MysqlInstaller)<br /> 
      #5 D:\wamp\www\w\includes\installer\Installer.php(1600): call_user_func(array, MysqlInstaller)<br /> 
      #6 D:\wamp\www\w\includes\installer\WebInstallerPage.php(1402): Installer->performInstallation(array, array)<br /> 
      #7 D:\wamp\www\w\includes\installer\WebInstaller.php(280): WebInstallerInstall->execute()<br /> 
      #8 D:\wamp\www\w\mw-config\index.php(79): WebInstaller->execute(array)<br /> 
      #9 D:\wamp\www\w\mw-config\index.php(38): wfInstallerMain()<br /> 
      #10 {main}</p> 

       I tried to install GeoData  many times , there is on time install success , after i edit a wiki page and click save , i got a Database Error. then i open database  and found what i edited in page was correct saved in tables,i don't know why i got  Database Error.  I can sure it is the problem with GeoData because after i remove GeoData ,everything working well.

      3:  then i try to install Nearby follow this https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:MobileFrontend#Install_Nearby and set $wgMFNearbyEndpoint = 'http://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/api.php';$wgMFNearby = true;in my LocalSettings.php ,but when i click "Nearby" in app , it show " there are no nearby list" ,is that something wrong 
    with $wgMFNearbyEndpoint= 'http://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/api.php' or i missed something ?

     ps : i wonder are there extentions that can help edit wiki page , both android app and PC ?

    From: Dmitry Brant
    Date: 2015-03-12 00:09
    To: cxyshine@yeah.net
    CC: mobile-l
    Subject: Re: [WikimediaMobile] Problem i met with wikimedia_android app

    Thanks for your interest in the Android app!
    Technically we do not yet officially support using the app with arbitrary MediaWiki installations, which is why our documentation for doing this is a bit lacking at the moment.  However, there's no reason it couldn't be done, and it sounds like you're 90% there.

    At a minimum, you would need to install the MobileFrontend extension:
    (the above page also discusses how to get Nearby working)

    ...and the MobileApp extension:

    It sounds like you've correctly modified Site.java to point to the IP address of your installation (since you're able to log in from the app), so installing the above extensions may be the only thing left to do.

    Let us know if you have additional questions!

    Dmitry Brant
    Mobile Apps Team (Android)
    Wikimedia Foundation

    On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 9:34 AM, cxyshine@yeah.net <cxyshine@yeah.net> wrote:
    hi there:
        i really need help for my wikimedia_android app.  it is not easy to study the project ,since i don't know where i can get the design documents about the android app . i have study wikimedia_android app for about a month(download from https://github.com/wikimedia/apps-android-wikipedia) ,i also build a mediaWiki (download from https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Download) on my wampserver (i didn't install any extentions on mediaWiki,i don't know what Extentions i need to install) . In left menu of app ,there are functions such as : Log in , Today , History ,Saved pages ,Nearby ,Random 

       What i want to do is that i tried to build my own android app which will connect to my local mediaWiki server ( to get all the data the app need.And all the functions (Log in , Today , History ,Saved pages ,Nearby ,Random ) work well.

       What i have done : i modify the  domain = "",  language ="zh"  in Site.java because of that my app can register and login ,app communicates well with my local mediaWiki server. and it will show my username in left menu.

       Problem i met: after i click "Today" ,the page of Today did not display on my android phone and i got these message :
    03-11 15:35:46.176 31202-31202/org.wikipedia.alpha D/Wikipedia﹕ Using packaged styles 
    03-11 15:35:46.201 31202-31202/org.wikipedia.alpha W/AwContents﹕ nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
    03-11 15:35:46.261 31202-31202/org.wikipedia.alpha D/Wikipedia﹕ Using packaged styles
    03-11 15:35:46.276 31202-31202/org.wikipedia.alpha W/AwContents﹕ nativeOnDraw failed; clearing to background color.
    03-11 15:35:46.636 31202-31202/org.wikipedia.alpha I/chromium﹕ [INFO:async_pixel_transfer_manager_android.cc(60)] Async pixel transfers not supported 

      here is my question:
      1:  I don't know what happened ,why the page of "Today" did not display ? 
      2:  Is that because I didn't install any extentions on my local mediaWiki ? I saw "Mobile Web" and "Extension:MobileFrontend" in https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_mobile_engineering .If that true ,what Extentions do i need to install and how ?
      3: Or maybe i need to write some php program in my local mediaWiki server ? because it is my local server not Wikipedia server which may have some php program achieved by it's team 
      4: the function "Nearby"  and "Random" also didn't work,is that the same reason with "Today" ? if not ,what maybe the reasons ?
      5: Are there design  and api documents about the android app , and where i can get the documents ?
      6: Are there design  and api documents about the mediaWiki , and where i can get the documents ?

       I am now really confused with the project  ,i have  been working on that problem for two days but get nothing, I really hope someone can help .

      thanks a lot !

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