No problem. There are many more QA dragons to slay, but I'm happy with how this one went down.

I've also updated the Selenium/Cucumber coding conventions with some documentation on extension tags [1].


On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 12:51 PM, Juliusz Gonera <> wrote:
Dan Duvall and I worked on his patch refactoring MobileFrontend
browser tests yesterday [1]. We got over half of the tests working on
mediawiki-vagrant, but we might have caused some breakage on
betalabs/jenkins. The last two builds have lots of failures (over 30),
but that doesn't mean that the features themselves are broken. We'll
figure it out soon.

In general the changes we made were necessary and hopefully will help
get everyone running browser tests on their dev instances in the near
future. Another nice thing added by Dan is the possiblity of
specifying browser tests dependency on other extensions as seen in
[2]. Those browser tests will not run (will be skipped) if an
extension is not enabled. Instead developers will see a warning saying
which extension needs to be enabled to run them.

Dan, thanks for all this work.



Dan Duvall
Automation Engineer
Wikimedia Foundation