Forgot mobile-l, so just forwarding.

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----- Forwarded message -----
Von: "Florian Schmidt" <>
An: "Pine W" <>
Betreff: AW: [WikimediaMobile] Article history and categories
Datum: Do., Aug. 14, 2014 13:17


in Mobile Web there is a feature in alpha mode (settings->beta->settings>experimental) to show categories of a page as a seperate, last expandable section. I don't know when this goes to beta/stable.

Kind regards

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----- Reply message -----
Von: "Pine W" <>
An: <>
Betreff: [WikimediaMobile] Article history and categories
Datum: Do., Aug. 14, 2014 08:28

Any chance of including these links in the Android mobile app and in mobile web?

Categories are the subject of a current IEG research project and their omission from mobile might be significant.

Article history can be accessed in mobile web through the strapline, but not at all in the mobile Android app.

