On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 7:11 PM, Jon Robson <jrobson@wikimedia.org> wrote:
So ideally I would include the tag @watchstar-setup in the 2 watchlist tests. They would then run API requests to ensure the page is watched (or run browser steps - is it possible to do that from in here)

I am not sure what you are asking. Can you make a commit and push it to gerrit?
I had a play around with this though and I can't get the hooks to run a basic puts statement - am I missing something? Do I need to require the hooks.rb file somewhere?

If you run cucumber with -v[1] it should output all files that are loaded. Example:

$ bundle exec cucumber -v
  * features/support/env.rb
  * features/support/hooks.rb

Looks like hooks.rb is loaded. Can you make a commit and push it to gerrit?

1: -v, --verbose Show the files and features loaded.