While I really appreciate that wiktionary is covered so prominently I am a little confused as well. What is, from a technical standpoint, different in this app compared to the wikipedia app?


Am 28.03.2012 00:43 schrieb "Patrick Hayes" <pfhayes@gmail.com>:
Hi everyone!

The first beta release of the Wiktionary mobile app for Android has been released! You can download the .apk file here (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4187555/WiktionaryActivity-v101b.apk) and load it onto your device.

Please use it and report any bugs to the Wiktionary App bug list: https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&list_id=99796&product=Wiktionary%20App

Any other feedback can be left on http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mobile_Projects/WiktionaryMobileAndroidFeedback

Feedback can be given in #wikimedia-mobile, or the less active #wiktionary-mobile.

Looking forward to seeing everyone's feedback!

Patrick Hayes

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