Provided this on wikitech-l, too:

Looks like the user pageviews for and subdomains are approximately 0.02% of the size of pageviews for subdomains based on a recent one day check.

hive> select count(*) from
wmf.webrequest where
year = 2015 and month = 7 and day = 14
and access_method = 'mobile web'
and (uri_host like '' OR uri_host like '')
and is_pageview = true and agent_type = 'user';


hive> select count(*) from
wmf.webrequest where
year = 2015 and month = 7 and day = 14
and access_method = 'mobile web'
and uri_host like ''
and is_pageview = true and agent_type = 'user';


On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 5:36 AM, Adam Baso <> wrote:
There's a ticket for removing and domains/subdomains, which are legacy domain names superseded by and its subdomains.

The rationale for the removal of these legacy domain names is to help support HSTS preloading in browsers with the existing TLS SAN cert.

After review of the ticket, can anyone think of a compelling reason to keep those old domain names?

I opened a separate thread about this on wikitech-l under a different subject about this as well.
