Hi everyone,

tl;dr: The Mobile Apps Team will focus on rounding out and improving the MVPs we're shipping soon, and looking at a lightweight onboarding framework. A more concrete agenda and goals will come out of our quarterly planning sessions in January.

Last Friday, the Mobile Apps Team used its normal sprint planning session to instead discuss what we want to work on in Q3 (Jan-Mar 2014).

On Android, if you look at what we've shipped to production, or are expecting to shipping to production at the very start of Q3, we have:
You may notice a pattern in the above. These features all have known things that were cut as part of the process of defining the MVP; lead images doesn't work in landscape mode, image viewer has no share/gallery functionality, tweet a fact is undiscoverable, and so on.

The team has decided to focus on rounding out these MVPs into more holistic, fully-fledged features at the start of the quarter rather than moving on to a new feature.

The team will also explore a lightweight onboarding framework to expose new users to features. The goal is to have it be reusable, and probably just be a little popup that can be easily dismissed. Exact MVP for this to be defined. :-)

Our first step in January will be to add the gallery viewing functionality and sharing functionality to the image viewer, as those features are already pretty well defined and we can start moving on them immediately. Our next steps after that for Q3 will come out of our quarterly planning sessions during the all staff meeting in January.

Let me know if you've got any questions!


Dan Garry
Associate Product Manager, Mobile Apps
Wikimedia Foundation