On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 1:04 AM, S Page <spage@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Maybe WMF should offer its own browser- or OS-level integration, pushing the reading experience way beyond our sites.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Tools/Browser_tools lists various browser addons, such as Lookup companion for Wiki that do this. Meanwhile https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Tools#Searching has "Download 1-Click Answers Wikipedia Edition for Windows (beta) and then Alt-Click on any word in any program on your screen for instant, accurate facts." Who knew?!, makes me want to bust out Windows 2000 :) 

A WMF-maintained self-contained javascript library to fetch Wikipedia summaries / Wikidata descriptions / Wikitionary translations (and maybe even Commons images) for a given string and display them in a configurable popup window would be awesome. That could then be used as a bookmarklet, in browser extensions (most of those are written in JS so they just need a trivial wrapper around the library), or in web pages as a functionality provided by the site owner.