Thanks Dan. Lots of new cards ready sign off as of right now. Let us
know if you need to sign off on the new batch.
On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 1:10 PM, Dan Garry <> wrote:
> All the cards are now unblocked and signed off. Thanks everyone!
> Dan
> On 22 May 2014 13:46, Dan Garry <> wrote:
>> After chatting with Yuvi, Dmitry and Bernd on IRC, I've now signed off on
>> the "CSS resources" and "Don't auto-clear history" cards. The only remaining
>> cards are the first two, which need sign-off from design.
>> Thanks!
>> Dan
>> On 22 May 2014 12:24, Dan Garry <> wrote:
>>> Hey everyone,
>>> I've done all of the sign off that I can. There's quite a few cards left
>>> in the sign-off column, so I'm going to explain why each one's been left
>>> there and what's blocking us from moving forwards. Each card is linked to in
>>> the first sentence.
>>> Browsing controls and search: I think the new browsing controls and
>>> search look fantastic! I'd like the designers to double-check the card and
>>> app to make sure they're happy with it too (I've CCd them in case they're
>>> not on this list). If they're happy, we can sign off on it. I have one minor
>>> niggle with search (documented on the card), but I think it's okay to solve
>>> that after the first release.
>>> CSS resources: I'm unclear what the user-facing aspect of this is, so I
>>> don't know how to sign off. Yuvi (or anyone else), can you offer
>>> clarification?
>>> Don't auto-clear history: This one is awkward to test because it relies
>>> on both the app *not* doing something, and also it not doing it after 30
>>> days have elapsed! I'm unsure how to sign off on it. Advice, devs?
>>> Everything else is signed off. Thanks guys!
>>> Dan
>>> --
>>> Dan Garry
>>> Associate Product Manager for Platform and Mobile Apps
>>> Wikimedia Foundation
>> --
>> Dan Garry
>> Associate Product Manager for Platform and Mobile Apps
>> Wikimedia Foundation
> --
> Dan Garry
> Associate Product Manager for Platform and Mobile Apps
> Wikimedia Foundation
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