OpenStreetMap Tutorial
May 29, 2024 Wednesday ⋅ 19:00 (Famagusta Time⋅ Online
OpenStreetMap Tutorial by Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus Wikipedia Society

Hello everyone!

As METU NCC Wikipedia Society, we are happy to invite you to our OpenStreetMap Tutorial.

Learn how to contribute and use the largest open geographic map database, OpenStreetMap: Add, edit, and improve map data for your local area and beyond.

  • Use OpenStreetMap Data: Explore various applications and tools that utilize OpenStreetMap data for navigation, analysis, and more.
  • Collaborate with a Global Community: Connect with other map enthusiasts and learn best practices for mapping.
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced mapper, this session will provide valuable insights and hands-on experience. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your mapping skills and contribute to the world's largest open geographic map database!

We are waiting for you.

Wikipedia Society

Middle East Technical University

Northern Cyprus Campus
