Does MetaVidWiki work on Dreamhost?

I did the one-click install and then loaded the metavidwiki extension within the install but I am getting some strange errors.

Does dreamhost support annodex?

I have a very exciting project for a charity (I am not getting paid) which I am working on and I feel the MetaVidWiki is a perfect platform for it.
Over 400 two hour interviews with over 10,000 pages of transcripts which have already been digitized. I am hoping to get the system working so I can can sync the transcripts to the videos and make them searchable and accessible globally.

Is this the best platform for this application?
Do you know of other platforms which might work like this?
Would anyone be able to help me get MetaVidWiki working on Dreamhost so I can test and figure out if this is the best technology to pursue?

Thank you