After a couple of months of trial and error and with the kind help of the metavid / mediawiki community, I have successfuly reached a properly working installation comprising of
: Installed software
Installed extensions
The latest extensions added were :
-ExternalData 0.6.1
Minor code changes were required since it failed to download any data from external urls.
-Semantic Mediawiki version 1.4.2 (required by Semantic Forms 2.2.1 and Semanti Forms Inputs 0.4.1)
This required quite some code patching which was performed based on the patch files as provided by George Chriss at had to apply the patches by hand since my code was a bit different and the patches failed using the patch command.
-Semantic Forms Inputs Version 0.4.1 &
-Semantic Forms 2.2.1 to provide extra input type fields, used for entering various data using a more user-friendly interface.
A strange behavior was experienced at first, since when adding a new Form (by using the special Create new class page) resulted in creating a Stream:pagename instead of a Form:pagename. Only the Form creation had this issue, Templates, properties and categories were properly created by the same special page.
I believe that the way I fixed it was adding to LocalSettings.php the following variables:
//set up namespace
//set metavid namespace to smw namespace + 10
Initially it was +6$mvNamespaceIndex=$smwgNamespaceIndex + 10;
//add the new custom namespace index for Form and Form_talk
define("NS_FORM", 500);
define("NS_FORM_TALK", 501);
$wgExtraNamespaces[NS_FORM] = "Form";
$wgExtraNamespaces[NS_FORM_TALK] = "Form_talk";
Unfortunately, I'm not fully sure that the above changes/additions actually fixed the Form creation problem since I got impatient and performed a couple of changes at once. I will test to see which change actually fixed the issue.
The current open issue I'm working on is with the thumbnail creation of videos using ffmpeg. In George's patches 'thumbnailer' is used and I can't find this s/w so I will need to substitute it with ffmpeg thumbnailer .