For the uploading problem, after examining the apache error log for php errors,  I found the following page with the appropriate patches and after applying it, upload of ogg / ogv files now works properly.
My new problem is with the Sequence part of the wiki, which has the following problem:

A new sequence is created
A video file is added to the sequence
Attempting to switch to visual editor shows the visual editor window but does not produce any output, instead it shows  for ever "Loading playlist...", "Loading timeline...", "Loading user rights..."

Any suggestions on what to check are very welcome.


Subject: My metavid installation status as of 7-12-2012
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2012 12:43:08 +0000

Dear friends,

following the much appreciated support from Michael and George, I finally managed to install and configure a working platform consisting of the following elements:

Mediawiki 1.16a r52874
PHP 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.18 (apache2handler)
MySQL 5.1.41-3ubuntu2.10

Cite (Version 2008-01-31)
RSS Reader (Version 0.2.3)
Semantic MediaWiki (Version 1.3)
OggHandler     (r42524)   
MetaVidWiki (Version 1.0r47961)

Essentially, the platform is the same as the one on site.

I am now able to add new streams and  tag / transcribe them.
My question though has to do with uploading new video content to the site.
I have setup all the relevant variables for allowed extensions, file size uploads,etc. If I upload any type of allowed content (i.e. mp4 video, word document, jpeg image) the upload is completed and the new content is available.
However, if I try to upload an ogg or ogv file, either directly or by transcoding it by fireogg plugin, the upload does not complete. No errors are produced in the web server or other system logs.
Any suggestions on what to look for in order to resolve this ?
My current way of uploading content is to copy the file to a folder on the web server and then use the add stream to create a stream and reference to the video file.
Also, is there any batch upload / import method available?
