I have implemented MW as our IT document server.  There are other solutions available, some directly related to this function.  But we thought that MW is ‘Best is Class’ for wiki and that the wiki interface would work well with the varying group of people we need to work with.


There have been some struggles in concept and fitting bits in but being a “hacker” at heart things have gone pretty well. 


I now have the following *need*.  We have 4 development environments.  Dev, Test, Staging and Production.  At any one time the source code (actually there are 5 types of source files but for now .. source) may be different in any of the environments depending on changes being made and moved up the pipe.


The first task breaks down as follows


1)       in each environment save a copy of source to a directory as it is changed
This has been completed by use of file directives and ftp.  In the MW folder structure we have the structure noted below.  At update time we write update the specific directory with the source item using the name of the source as the file name.  

a.       uploads

                                                               i.      dev

1.       source

                                                             ii.      test

1.       source

                                                            iii.      staging

1.       source

                                                            iv.      production

1.       source

2)       Display code from any of the environments on request.  This is the bit that I am working on.  I am looking to have a page that displays the 4 environments then the 5 type of source tables and finally the various source files that exist.  Once the user selects a source item display the source using the Syntax Highlight.

3)       Allow selection of 2 source items from various environments and then display the DIFF of the two items



Task 1 has been completed.  This is working quite well.


Task 2, as mentioned is what I am specing out now.  I am am wondering if anyone here has done anything similar? 

I was thinking of a special page which uses the directory functions of PHP to get a listing ‘uploads’, then allows drilling down until the user has a list of items to select from.


Then read in the text and build a page using the <source> tags to have the page rendered with hightlighting.


Task 3 is for the future.  This would be a nice to have but not really necessary.  I was thinking that once a page has been displayed have alink which allows selecting another page.  At that point use linux DIFF to build the diff and display.  Although it would probably be better to use MW diff engine.  Not sure how this would work.


So if anyone has any experience doing similar in MW your ideas and samples would be appreciated.  Either way when it is complete it will be available as open source on MW.





David Tod Sigafoos | SANMAR Corporation