Hello everybody,
I've got a problem, which is simple, but in spending 14hours in solving(googling, trying, ...) I havent't found a way to get it work. I want to write a QGIS PlugIn in eclise IDE - but i cant't do anything, because:
No module named qgis.core
(tested on eclipse, IDLE, pyscripter)
My QGIS ist in C:\Program Files (x86)\Quantum GIS Copiapo, Python: C:\Python27
So I tested all ways I found in the web, Martin Dobias's blog and so on, updates everything, changed and added a lot of Paths and PYTHONPATHS (14h...) but maybe I'm just a little bit stupid and just didn't took the right path - any suggestions, which Path it should be, please mail back. Please.I n [eclipse -> preferences ->pydev] I've already added every Folder of QGIS, PtQt, Python27 - didn't help.
Is it possible that I understand something wrong? I've tried to download libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll and add it seperatly. Nothing.
I may use another IDE than eclipse, I just like it, but if it's not possible with it (what I don't believe) I can use anotherone.
My first System ist Win7 x64, my second is winXP x86, it does't work one anyone.
Please help me to find a way (or Path) make it working, it's really important for me.
If you need some other specifications I didn't list here, please let me know. I'm thankful for every answer I'll get, just if you have Ideas, how I should name the Paths, please let me also know.
yours faithfully Jens Schwarz
P.S.: If you're able to answer in german-languange it it easier for me to understand
On 17/05/11 10:49, Jens Schwarz wrote: <snip>
I want to write a QGIS PlugIn in eclise IDE
You wrote your message on the mediawiki-l mailing list. There is probably no eclipse developer on this list.
P.S.: If you're able to answer in german-languange it it easier for me to understand
Maybe try a German Eclipse mailing list? :-)
while using Ubuntu, i don't care about win7 ;) but found also a way to solve that "import qgis.core"-problem and close this thread.
Its for Win7 x64 professional:
Install first QGIS (1.7 with OSGeo4w to C:\OSGeo4W) then QT (if needed) and at last Python 2.5 to C:\OSGeo4W\apps\python25
Add some paths to environment Variables: to PATH: C:\OSGeo4W\bin; C:\OSGeo4W\apps\qgis\bin\ to PYTHONPATH: C:\OSGeo4W\apps\python25
If you want to use eclipse don't forget to set the Preferences on Pydev.
jens s.