I've just finished preparing the first release candidate for MediaWiki 1.21 and I'd like your help testing it before the final release.
Please download the release candidate and test it. If you find any bugs please report them on Bugzilla[1] and make sure I am added as a CC so that we can fix any show-stoppers before the final release.
Finally, if you could also look over https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki_1.21, I'll be using an edited version of that to make the final announcement. If you spot problems or areas that could use clarification, your help in improving it would be appreciated.
[1] https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=MediaWiki&cc=mah@ev...
Full release notes: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Release_notes/1.21
********************************************************************** Download: http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-1.21.0rc1.tar.gz
Patch to previous version (1.20.0), without interface text: http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-1.21.0rc1.patch.gz Interface text changes: http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-i18n-1.21.0rc1.patch.gz
GPG signatures: http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-1.21.0rc1.tar.gz.sig http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-1.21.0rc1.patch.gz.sig http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-i18n-1.21.0rc1.patch.gz.si...
Public keys: https://secure.wikimedia.org/keys.html
Dear Mark. Thank you for the news. I would try, but there are several questions I could not understnd from the description you suggest.
1. In order to install and use your new version, what should I already have installed, before to download, set-up and use the new wiki? In particular: Should I install git ? Should I install PHP ? Should I install MathJax ? Should I install C++? Suould I install Latex? What versions of the software above are required for and compatible with your version of wiki?
Does your version of wiki support pictures in PDF and/or EPS format? Sincerely, Dima.
On Sun, 31 Mar 2013, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
I've just finished preparing the first release candidate for MediaWiki 1.21 and I'd like your help testing it before the final release.
Please download the release candidate and test it. If you find any bugs please report them on Bugzilla[1] and make sure I am added as a CC so that we can fix any show-stoppers before the final release.
Finally, if you could also look over https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki_1.21, I'll be using an edited version of that to make the final announcement. If you spot problems or areas that could use clarification, your help in improving it would be appreciated.
[1] https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=MediaWiki&cc=mah@ev...
Full release notes: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Release_notes/1.21
Download: http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-1.21.0rc1.tar.gz
Patch to previous version (1.20.0), without interface text: http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-1.21.0rc1.patch.gz Interface text changes: http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-i18n-1.21.0rc1.patch.gz
GPG signatures: http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-1.21.0rc1.tar.gz.sig http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-1.21.0rc1.patch.gz.sig http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-i18n-1.21.0rc1.patch.gz.si...
Public keys: https://secure.wikimedia.org/keys.html
MediaWiki-l mailing list MediaWiki-l@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/mediawiki-l
On 03/31/2013 10:58 PM, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
Should I install git ?
No, this is a complete, downloadable version.
Should I install PHP ?
Yes, MediaWiki requires at least version 5.3.2 of PHP.
Should I install MathJax ? Should I install C++? Suould I install Latex?
None of these is needed.
What versions of the software above are required for and compatible with your version of wiki?
Note that this is a release candidate for MediaWiki 1.21.0 -- it is not "my" version of the software as I've done nothing special with this. I am the release manager for MediaWiki and this is a release candidate for a normal release.
This may not be absolutely clear since I used my own server for the release instead of download.wikimedia.org. I had the release ready and didn't want to wait for someone to upload it to download.wm.o, so I put it on my own server. The next release candidate will be on download.wm.o.
Does your version of wiki support pictures in PDF and/or EPS format?
MediaWiki supports uploading PDF and EPS files with the right configuration. I haven't tried uploading EPS files, but providing thumbnails of these and the PDFs should work.
Dear Mark, thanl you for the explanation. I have found PHP Version 5.3.15 (it seems to come together with Xcode). It ignores the PHP commands in the *.html files, but recognises PHP commands in the *.php files Hope, it is sufficient.
Also, I seem to have MySQL loaded: some hundreds files are located with comand /usr/local> locate mysql /Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/share/collabd/gems/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.8/gems/activerecord-3.0.10/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/mysql_adapter.rb /Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/share/collabd/gems/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.8/gems/activerecord-3.0.10/lib/active_record/railties/jdbcmysql_error.rb /Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/share/collabd/gems/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.8/gems/arel-2.0.10/lib/arel/visitors/mysql.rb /Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/share/collabd/gems/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.8/gems/railties-3.0.10/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/config/databases/jdbcmysql.yml /Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/share/collabd/gems/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.8/gems/railties-3.0.10/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/config/databases/mysql.yml /Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/share/devicemgr/backend/vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/mysql_adapter.rb /Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/share/devicemgr/backend/vendor/rails/railties/configs/databases/mysql.yml /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.7.sdk/usr/include/php/ext/mysqli ... but I cannot find the executable mysql, mentioned in the manuals, and command mysql "is not found". I have no idea, what do I wrong. Shold I continue searching for a way to activate the MySQL before to install MediaWiki 1.21.0 ?
On Mon, 1 Apr 2013, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
On 03/31/2013 10:58 PM, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
Should I install git ?
No, this is a complete, downloadable version.
Should I install PHP ?
Yes, MediaWiki requires at least version 5.3.2 of PHP.
Should I install MathJax ? Should I install C++? Suould I install Latex?
None of these is needed.
MediaWiki supports uploading PDF and EPS files with the right configuration. I haven't tried uploading EPS files, but providing thumbnails of these and the PDFs should work.
I think, PDFs are good and sufficient. Is it that mentioned in the section "High-resolution image support" ? (formally, as PDF, as EPS have infinite resolution..)
(Trimming reply to you and mediawiki-l so we don't continue to spam people.)
On 04/01/2013 12:00 PM, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
but I cannot find the executable mysql, mentioned in the manuals, and command mysql "is not found". I have no idea, what do I wrong. Shold I continue searching for a way to activate the MySQL before to install MediaWiki 1.21.0 ?
Yes, you need a database installed. Someone with OS X experience can probably help you better than I can.
I think, PDFs are good and sufficient. Is it that mentioned in the section "High-resolution image support" ? (formally, as PDF, as EPS have infinite resolution..)
"High-resolution image support" is talking about, as the announcement points out, serving higher resolution images to high-density display's like Apple's Retina display.
On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 10:37 AM, Mark A. Hershberger mah@everybody.orgwrote:
On 04/01/2013 12:00 PM, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
but I cannot find the executable mysql, mentioned in the manuals, and command mysql "is not found". I have no idea, what do I wrong. Shold I continue searching for a way to activate the MySQL before to install MediaWiki 1.21.0 ?
Yes, you need a database installed. Someone with OS X experience can probably help you better than I can.
I run a test instance on my OS X machine (currently 10.8.3). I use the MySQL installer package from dev.mysql.com -- try < http://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/MySQL-5.6/mysql-5.6.10-osx10.7-x86_64.dmg...
Double-click and run the installer; also double-click the preferences pane to install that, it makes it easy to start and stop the MySQL server.
This will install the 'mysql' command into /usr/local/mysql/bin so you might need to add a line like this to your ~/.profile file:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin
Note that you may also need to adjust /etc/php.ini and add a line like:
for the Apple-provided PHP to see MySQL properly. You may need to stop and restart the web server after adjusting php.ini.
I think, PDFs are good and sufficient.
You'll want http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:PdfHandler to support upload of PDFs; by default this will rasterize the PDFs for inline display, so you don't need a browser plugin. The extension depends on some external Unix programs as mentioned on that page, you should be able to install them through HomeBrew or MacPorts.
-- brion
Dear Brion. I follow your suggestion. I got file /Users/d/Downloads/mysql-5.6.10-osx10.7-x86_64.dmg
At the double-click on it (in the "finder frame"), the new frame appears with four icons. they correspond to the following files: /Volumes/mysql-5.6.10-osx10.7-x86_64/mysql-5.6.10-osx10.7-x86_64.pkg /Volumes/mysql-5.6.10-osx10.7-x86_64/MySQL.prefPane /Volumes/mysql-5.6.10-osx10.7-x86_64/MySQLStartupItem.pkg /Volumes/mysql-5.6.10-osx10.7-x86_64/ReadMe.txt
I try to double-click on each of them. The frame with error message appears: "MySQL-prefPane can't be opeed because it is from am unidentified developer"
Perhaps, this is case mentioned in file "ReadMe.txt" :
If this error occurs, simply click the `Go Back' button once to return to the previous screen. Then click `Continue' to advance to the destination disk selection again, and you should be able to choose the destination disk correctly. We have reported this bug to Apple and it is investigating this problem.
However, I cannot find the option 'Go Back', nor `Continue'; yet, there is nothing about MySQL at /usr/local
Shat do I wrong? ============================= On Mon, 1 Apr 2013, Brion Vibber wrote:
On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 10:37 AM, Mark A. Hershberger mah@everybody.org wrote: On 04/01/2013 12:00 PM, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote: > but I cannot find the executable mysql, mentioned in the manuals, > and command mysql "is not found". I have no idea, what do I wrong. > Shold I continue searching for a way to activate the MySQL > before to install MediaWiki 1.21.0 ?
Yes, you need a database installed. Someone with OS X experience can probably help you better than I can.
I run a test instance on my OS X machine (currently 10.8.3). I use the MySQL installer package from dev.mysql.com -- try http://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/MySQL-5.6/mysql-5.6.10-osx10.7-x86_64.dmg/from/http://cdn.mysql.com/
Double-click and run the installer; also double-click the preferences pane to install that, it makes it easy to start and stop the MySQL server. This will install the 'mysql' command into /usr/local/mysql/bin so you might need to add a line like this to your ~/.profile file:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin
Note that you may also need to adjust /etc/php.ini and add a line like:
for the Apple-provided PHP to see MySQL properly. You may need to stop and restart the web server after adjusting php.ini.
> I think, PDFs are good and sufficient.
You'll want http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:PdfHandler to support upload of PDFs; by default this will rasterize the PDFs for inline display, so you don't need a browser plugin. The extension depends on some external Unix programs as mentioned on that page, you should be able to install them through HomeBrew or MacPorts.
-- brion
In order to test the MediaWiki version 1.21 I still try to install MySQL. Perhaps, I repeat some error again and again, but I cannot catch it..
While I filled the quiz at http://www.w3schools.com/quiztest/quiztest.asp?qtest=SQL W3Schools SQL Quiz Result: 20 of 20 // 100% Perfect!!! Time Spent 4:40.
Of course, I still cannot execute any example from the quiz, the sytem cannot find MySQL!
I think, the questions of the quiz should be reformulated. I suggest the following questions for the quiz:
1. How many different sites pretend to distribute MySQL? Possible answers: (from 1 to 3, from 4 to 10, from 11 to 100)
2. How many different sites distribute workable versions of MySQL? Possible answers: (1, 2, more than 2)
3. How many keys and bottoms should one press in order to get the workable version of MySQL? Possible answers: (from 5 to 10, from 11 to 100, from 1001 to 10000)
4. How many of them can be found in the documentation? Possible answers: (from 2 to 5, from 6 to 10, from 11 to 10000)
5. Where does MySQL load the databases by defailt? Possible answers: ( /mysql/data , /usr/mysqldata, directory with randomly choosen name)
6. Where should these databases be stored in order to be usable by Mediawiki? ( /mysql/data , /usr/mediawiki/mysql, anywhere)
7. Where does the Mediawiki keep its database? ( /mediawiki/data , /usr/mediawiki/mysql/data, directory with random name)
8. Is it possible to access these databases directly from MySQL? (Yes, it is easy; Yes, but it is very difficuylt; No WAY!)
9. Is it necessary to learn MySQL in order to install a workable version of Mediawiki? (Yes, one shouild take one year course of MySQL before to have any hopes for the successful installation; No, one can do it within few days, within less than a hundred of attempts)
10. What for does Xcode load so many files related to MySQL? (At the good skills of Xcode and MySQL, these files still can be used; This is simulation of ubdate with respect to the previous version) ==========
On 04/02/2013 02:51 AM, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
While I filled the quiz at http://www.w3schools.com/quiztest/quiztest.asp?qtest=SQL
I think, the questions of the quiz should be reformulated. I suggest the following questions for the quiz:
I'm not sure why you're telling us this. This mailing list is about MediaWiki, not MySQL or W3Schools' website.
Brion has already offered you some pointers for setting up your system. Did those help?
On Tue, 2 Apr 2013, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
.. I suggest the following questions for the quiz:
I'm not sure why you're telling us this. This mailing list is about MediaWiki, not MySQL or W3Schools' website.
Sorry. I just wanted to test the Wiki you suggest, and I need to have PHP and MySQL ready. I did not expect that I'll have to learn PHP and MySQL; I expected the Mediawiki to do all the technical job.
Brion has already offered you some pointers for setting up your system. Did those help?
Not. I even thout that that was the April-Full joke. Following Brion's instruction, I got the packages; When I tried to open the package, there was error message ".. cannot be opened because it is from unidentified developer." and nothing seems to be installed from there.
Now I try to get the MySQL through "Oracle": There is very small, barely readable line that begins with words "No thanks.."; that line happened to be the key. Tomorrow I'll check it; then I hope to get MySQL and then I try to test the MediaWiki 1.21.0.
Dear Mark. I've tested the PHP and the MySQL; both seem to work; and I loaded the mediawiki 1.21.
Files loaded http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-1.21.0rc1.tar.gz seem to be the same as offered at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Download_from_Git Is it so?
I begin with reading the description, id est, files REARME* and INSTALL . The place to put these fiels is difficult to guess. No simple algorithm to choose this place is presented. The descriptions at mediawiki.org cited suggest sevral screens of speculations about, but it is difficult to apply them practically.
The simple recommendation should be placed at the top, indicating, where should the beginner put the files in order to get workable (and preferably, robust and stable) wiki-site.
Also, consider to specify the requirements mentioned at file INSTALL at the preamble of the articles in Mediawiki. You could provide some tests, how the beginner can guess, does he/she have the PHP and/or MySQL or not. The test should not force the user to learn PHP and MySQL in order to understand, do they run well or not.
Tomorrow I hope to run the mediawiki 1.21; then I'll type more.
On Sun, 31 Mar 2013, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
I've just finished preparing the first release candidate for MediaWiki 1.21 and I'd like your help testing it before the final release.
Please download the release candidate and test it. If you find any bugs please report them on Bugzilla[1] and make sure I am added as a CC so that we can fix any show-stoppers before the final release.
Finally, if you could also look over https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki_1.21, I'll be using an edited version of that to make the final announcement. If you spot problems or areas that could use clarification, your help in improving it would be appreciated.
[1] https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=MediaWiki&cc=mah@ev...
Full release notes: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Release_notes/1.21
Download: http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-1.21.0rc1.tar.gz
Patch to previous version (1.20.0), without interface text: http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-1.21.0rc1.patch.gz Interface text changes: http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-i18n-1.21.0rc1.patch.gz
GPG signatures: http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-1.21.0rc1.tar.gz.sig http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-1.21.0rc1.patch.gz.sig http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-i18n-1.21.0rc1.patch.gz.si...
Public keys: https://secure.wikimedia.org/keys.html
MediaWiki-l mailing list MediaWiki-l@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/mediawiki-l
On 04/04/2013 10:37 AM, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
Files loaded http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-1.21.0rc1.tar.gz seem to be the same as offered at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Download_from_Git Is it so?
The tarball has some bundled extensions that I don't think come when you use the second link. See the extensions directory.
The place to put these files is difficult to guess. No simple algorithm to choose this place is presented. The descriptions at mediawiki.org cited suggest several screens of speculations about, but it is difficult to apply them practically.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean here.
You've mentioned before that you're running MAMP on OS X, I think. I'm not sure where its webroot is.
The simple recommendation should be placed at the top, indicating, where should the beginner put the files in order to get workable (and preferably, robust and stable) wiki-site.
That would be ideal, yes. I'm not sure how applicable that is given the variety of platforms MediaWiki runs on. For example, on many Linux platforms /var/www/wiki or ~/public_html/wiki would be a good location. I don't think either of those locations would work for Windows or most OS X users.
Also, consider to specify the requirements mentioned at file INSTALL at the preamble of the articles in Mediawiki. You could provide some tests, how the beginner can guess, does he/she have the PHP and/or MySQL or not. The test should not force the user to learn PHP and MySQL in order to understand, do they run well or not.
Your perspective on all this is fascinating to me. I haven't really considered that someone without a little basic PHP/MySQL knowledge would try to install MediaWiki.
I really appreciate all the insight you've given me so far. But I have to ask, what is your motivation for installing MediaWiki? What are you trying to accomplish?
On Thu, 4 Apr 2013, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
On 04/04/2013 10:37 AM, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote: ..
http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-1.21.0rc1.tar.gz seem to be the same as offered at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Download_from_Git Is it so?
The tarball has some bundled extensions that I don't think come when you use the second link. See the extensions directory.
Thank you! Now I see the difference. So, I shold use the *.gz rather than the git.
The place to put these files is difficult to guess. No simple algorithm to choose this place is presented. The descriptions at mediawiki.org cited suggest several screens of speculations about, but it is difficult to apply them practically.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean here.
I mean that I have almost no experience making symbolic links with command ln and I am often confised with redirects. I try to choose the simplest way, that still allows the "short url".
You've mentioned before that you're running MAMP on OS X, I think.
I run PHP and MySQL under OS X Version 10.8.2. I suspect, I use MAMP, although the command "about this server" does not specify this.
not sure where its webroot is.
I do know, where it is. It looks absurdly complicated path. I'll place the wiki there.
.. Your perspective on all this is fascinating to me. I haven't really considered that someone without a little basic PHP/MySQL knowledge would try to install MediaWiki.
I explain this with 3 examples below:
1. Designing a first Car, the creator could expect, the users will be techniticans and engineers. But soon or late, someone begins to use a car, without to know difference between gear and clutch.
2. First Computers were made for researchers, mainly mathematicians, physicists, and engineers. Now many people use computers, without to know difference between integral and logarithm. (How many physicians know physics?)
3. First Mediawiki were expected to be for the system programmers. But you may expect, that soon or late, someone will try to install it, without to know difference between PHP and MySQL.
Past week, the last example had been realized. However, now I have the basic knowledge: I have executed one very simple function with PHP and I have created one very simple database with MySQL.
I really appreciate all the insight you've given me so far. But I have to ask, what is your motivation for installing MediaWiki?
I use the wiki engine in my research. In particular, I need a catalogue of new superfunctions.
What are you trying to accomplish?
I need to learn to install Mediawiki by myself. I have server for it. Two years ago, I tried the same. I tried by myself and I failed. Then, few students helped me. We were successful; my wiki worked during two years. Then one student had attacked it, vandalized it, abusing the system account; I did not have enough skills to resist. So, I stop making physics and mathematics and I begin to learn the computation. In particular, I should learn to install Mediawiki by myself. I try to understand each step, in order not to repeat the same errors. So, I advance slowly. It may take a month. I expect, still in this century, one will make a robot, which does the same job within few minutes.
P.S. Installing of MySQL happened to be very tricky: I had to search for the solutions of the problems at the forums. I do not expect the Mediawiki to be easier, but, at elast once in life, everyone should learn to drive a car.
On Thu, 04 Apr 2013 21:30:54 -0700, Dmitrii Kouznetsov dima@ils.uec.ac.jp wrote:
What are you trying to accomplish?
I need to learn to install Mediawiki by myself. I have server for it.
Btw, installing this stuff on a server is generally much different than installing it on your local machine. Generally you use a some type of linux on the server which usually has a nice package manager to help you out.
On 04/05/2013 12:43 AM, Daniel Friesen wrote:
On Thu, 04 Apr 2013 21:30:54 -0700, Dmitrii Kouznetsov dima@ils.uec.ac.jp wrote:
What are you trying to accomplish?
I need to learn to install Mediawiki by myself. I have server for it.
Btw, installing this stuff on a server is generally much different than installing it on your local machine. Generally you use a some type of linux on the server which usually has a nice package manager to help you out.
What sort of server do you have? If it is a Linux system there are probably packages out there already. We've been working with Debian developers so that you should just have to run "apt-get install mediawiki" to install MediaWiki.
We haven't worked as closely yet with Red Hat based distributions, but you should still be able to do something like "yum install mediawiki".
If the above doesn't help you, maybe if you tell us about your server, we can provide more help.
On Fri, 5 Apr 2013, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
On 04/05/2013 12:43 AM, Daniel Friesen wrote:
On Thu, 04 Apr 2013 21:30:54 -0700, Dmitrii Kouznetsov dima@ils.uec.ac.jp wrote:
What are you trying to accomplish?
I need to learn to install Mediawiki by myself. I have server for it.
Btw, installing this stuff on a server is generally much different than installing it on your local machine. Generally you use a some type of linux on the server which usually has a nice package manager to help you out.
This should not be a problem: I never had installed mediawiki at a local machine. But this is good idea; perhaps, I shold try.
What sort of server do you have?
Mac mini Server Late 2012 Software OS X 10.8.2 (12C3103)
I have copied directory mediawiki-1.21.0rc1 to the webroot and begin the set-up. I shoose the default oprions, and get the message
DB connection error: No such file or directory (localhost) Check the host, username and password and try again.
So, I create directory /a to store the database and I specify it instead of the "localhost" Then, the message changed to
DB connection error: php_network_getaddressses: getaddrinfo failed: nodename not servername provided, or not known (/a) Check the host, username and password and try again.
You may consider to provide some examples for the setup service: I really have no idea, where does Mediawiki keep the database, and what could be correct value for the "Database host". It seems to be impossible to guess.
Dear Mark. I have installed the mediawiki 1.21 and I am testing it. More comments about installing:
1. Setting of default host is tricky: one needs to guess, that for OS X, the correct value is (as for Windows)
2. I think, the default setting should include the most popular extensions. You may consider to include Typing of formulas, Use of images (including *.pdf), and Citing of references into the default installation.
Hello, Mark. I continue testing the 1.21 version. The default installation seems to work; however, it does not support formula typing, nor references nor the short url. I see neither "short URL" nor MathJax" among the "extensions" you syggest; so, I insgtall again. This time, I choose all the extensions offered. I Expected that some of them provide the required options. The extensions seem to conflict; I get message [6ea7a99f] 2013-04-06 14:22:46: Fatal exception of type MWException Sincerely, Dima.
On Sat 06 Apr 2013 10:31:20 AM EDT, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
This time, I choose all the extensions offered. I Expected that some of them provide the required options. The extensions seem to conflict; I get message [6ea7a99f] 2013-04-06 14:22:46: Fatal exception of type MWException
When I created the distribution, I did a quick sanity check with all the extensions enabled in the installer and didn't run into this problem.
If you can, enable the debug log[1] and send me a copy.
[1] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:How_to_debug#Logging
It is not the case that simple clear questions have simple clear answers, not even in the world of pure ideas, and much less so in the messy real world of everyday life. -- Gregory Chaitin, “Paradoxes of Randomness”
On Sat, 6 Apr 2013, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
On Sat 06 Apr 2013 10:31:20 AM EDT, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
This time, I choose all the extensions offered. I Expected that some of them provide the required options. The extensions seem to conflict; I get message [6ea7a99f] 2013-04-06 14:22:46: Fatal exception of type MWException
When I created the distribution, I did a quick sanity check with all the extensions enabled in the installer and didn't run into this problem.
Hence, I made another error; perhaps, indicating the cache. (I just copypasted the IPs, without to analyze their meaning)
If you can, enable the debug log[1] and send me a copy. [1] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:How_to_debug#Logging
I reproduce the error. This time, I add few lines to the LocalSetting.php Now it begins with
error_reporting( -1 ); ini_set( 'display_errors', 1 ); $wgShowSQLErrors = true; $wgDebugDumpSql = true; $wgShowDBErrorBacktrace = true;
# This file was automatically generated by the MediaWiki 1.21.0rc1 ...
The update causes alost the same message: [5f42f4e0] 2013-04-06 16:22:34: Fatal exception of type MWException
I do not understand, where should get the log of the error(s). Explanations at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:How_to_debug#Logging are a little bit complicated. Assume, /Users/dima/www is writable; which lines shold I add to LocalSetting.php in order to indicate, that I want to pick up the log file there?
Off-topic about short URL: the description at http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Short_URL suggests a lot of links, but does not provide the script, that does the job.
On 04/06/2013 07:33 AM, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
- Setting of default host is tricky: one needs to guess, that
for OS X, the correct value is (as for Windows)
Do you mean the database server host?
- I think, the default setting should include the most popular
extensions. You may consider to include
This is the reason we've bundled extensions with the tarball -- many people were expecting to do citations and didn't realize they needed to install the Cite extension.
Still, your point that the installer (and configuration management in general) could still use improvement in this area is good.
PdfHandler (for PDFs) and Cite (for citations) are already included.
If you think an extension for math formulas should be included, then propose it here: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Bundled_extensions.
On Sat, 6 Apr 2013, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
On 04/06/2013 07:33 AM, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
- Setting of default host is tricky: one needs to guess, that
for OS X, the correct value is (as for Windows)
Do you mean the database server host?
I think so. This appeared during the set-up. En fin, we guessed, that the correct answer is ''. If others have the same problem, consider to suggest it as deault or to provide more explicit instruction.
- I think, the default setting should include the most popular
extensions. You may consider to include
This is the reason we've bundled extensions with the tarball -- many people were expecting to do citations and didn't realize they needed to install the Cite extension.
Good idea! (Although I do not understand, what is tarball.) I continue trying the extensions.
PdfHandler (for PDFs) and Cite (for citations) are already included.
Good, I'll test them.
If you think an extension for math formulas should be included, then propose it here: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Bundled_extensions.
OK. Step by step.
Consider to include also the short URL. I suspect, nobody prefer the long URL.
On Sat 06 Apr 2013 10:38:04 AM EDT, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
Good idea! (Although I do not understand, what is tarball.) I continue trying the extensions.
The "tarball" is the file you downloaded with the extensions included.
If you think an extension for math formulas should be included, then propose it here: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Bundled_extensions.
OK. Step by step.
Consider to include also the short URL. I suspect, nobody prefer the long URL.
Then you would be surprised to see the discussion a few months ago when I used shortened URLs for URLS which were much longer than that. Many people do not like them at all.
It is not the case that simple clear questions have simple clear answers, not even in the world of pure ideas, and much less so in the messy real world of everyday life. -- Gregory Chaitin, “Paradoxes of Randomness”
Mark, he meant his request https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Suggestions_for_extensions_to_be_integrated#Short_URL.
Mark, I tried to install the support of the PDF images at 1.21.0rc1 but it does not work. The www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:PdfHandler indicates that first I should get the MacPort. I had no idea, what MacPort is, but I downloaded it from the source recommended. I tried to make the default configuration. The installer had created user "macports" and group "macports", suggested to read "man port", but neither manual of "port", nor the command "port" appears. No executable "port" seems to be generated. Should I learn to install and to use the "macports" (as I did with MySQL and PHP), or there exist some easy way to way to say to mediawiki, that I want it to allow loading files also in the PDF format? Did you test the extension with MediaWiki 1.21.0rc1 ? Did you have to learn macport in order to do this?
On 05/02/2013 06:06 AM, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
Should I learn to install and to use the "macports" (as I did with MySQL and PHP), or there exist some easy way to way to say to mediawiki, that I want it to allow loading files also in the PDF format?
MediaWiki is server software and, as such, there are certain prerequisites for installing the software. Since MediaWiki can be installed on many different platforms -- OS X, Windows, Linux, Solaris, etc -- we do not have the resources to provide an automated installer for a bare-metal installation for each of them.
That is to say: yes, you should learn how to install and use MacPorts, MySQL, PHP, etc if you wish to maintain your installation of MediaWiki yourself. The usefulness of skills is not limited to MediaWiki, though.
If you do not have time to learn these skills, you should consider using your IT department or finding a contractor to do the work for you.
Did you test the extension with MediaWiki 1.21.0rc1 ?
I did not. The extension has worked with older versions of MediaWiki and so 1.21.0rc1 (where "rc" stands for "release candidate") is provided so that people can discover problems with it.
Did you have to learn macport in order to do this?
I use Linux as my MediaWiki server platform, so MacPorts (a solution for OS X) would be useless to me. There should be someone else on the mediawiki-l mailing list who has experience installing MediaWiki on OS X who could help you with MacPorts.
Mark, Could you visit http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/h/index.php?title=Testpdf ? I try another way to include PDF pics into MediaWiki 1.21.0rc1 following the http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:PDF_Include (which does not seem to imply the learning, nor loading, nor installing, nor configuring of any big complicated software.) I follow the instruction: I saved the code as extensions/pdf_include.php At LocalSettings.php, I added the lines require_once("$IP/extensions/pdf_include.php"); $wgPDF = array('width'=>'width', 'height'=>'height', 'black'=>array('Blocked Domain','Blocked Domain 2.....')); $wgPDF['black'] = array('Blocked Domain','Blocked Domain 2.....'); //The best way to block Domains/Do only write the $wgGroupPermissions['*']['pdf'] = true; //Allow it for ALL/SHOULD NOT USED!!!!!!!!! $wgGroupPermissions['user']['pdf'] = true; //Allow it for USERS/MAYBE SHOULD NOT USED!!! $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['pdf'] = true; //Allow it for BOT/SHOULD NOT USED!!!!!!!!! $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['pdf'] = true; //Allow it for SYSOP/STANDART
Then, I type simple code at http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/h/index.php?title=Testpdf&action=edit <pdf width="80px" height="100px">http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/MIZU/14bw.pdf</pdf> This code shows the PDF picture at the preview. The attempt to save it hangs the brouser.
What do I wrong?
On Thu, 2 May 2013, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
Mark, I tried to install the support of the PDF images at 1.21.0rc1 but it does not work. The www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:PdfHandler indicates that first I should get the MacPort. I had no idea, what MacPort is, but I downloaded it from the source recommended. I tried to make the default configuration. The installer had created user "macports" and group "macports", suggested to read "man port", but neither manual of "port", nor the command "port" appears. No executable "port" seems to be generated. Should I learn to install and to use the "macports" (as I did with MySQL and PHP), or there exist some easy way to way to say to mediawiki, that I want it to allow loading files also in the PDF format? Did you test the extension with MediaWiki 1.21.0rc1 ? Did you have to learn macport in order to do this?
MediaWiki-l mailing list MediaWiki-l@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/mediawiki-l
On Thu 02 May 2013 09:04:42 AM EDT, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
What do I wrong?
To help you fix the problem, I need some more information. What does your webserver's PHP error log say?
BTW, Mark, also related to PDF display. I have an error with this file: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Interproject_links_tabbed_interface_...
It is a PDF generated by Google docs. Any idea why the images are not appearing?
Thanks, David --Micru
On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 11:33 AM, Mark A. Hershberger mah@everybody.orgwrote:
On Thu 02 May 2013 09:04:42 AM EDT, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
What do I wrong?
To help you fix the problem, I need some more information. What does your webserver's PHP error log say?
Imagination does not breed insanity. Exactly what does breed insanity is reason. Poets do not go mad; but chess-players do. -- G.K. Chesterson
MediaWiki-l mailing list MediaWiki-l@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/mediawiki-l
On Thu, 2 May 2013, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
On Thu 02 May 2013 09:04:42 AM EDT, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
What do I wrong?
To help you fix the problem, I need some more information. What does your webserver's PHP error log say?
I found instructions about the PHP error log at http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/error_log-defines-file-where-script-errors-logg... It sent me to /etc/php.ini I have found that file at my server. It is long, and, among other, there is line there ;error_log = syslog
I located the syslog; it is at /usr/bin It is binary and, perhaps, not supposed to be viewed by a human.. (It begins with repeated "^@^@^@^@^@ ..")
On Thu, 2 May 2013, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
On Thu 02 May 2013 09:04:42 AM EDT, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
What do I wrong?
To help you fix the problem, I need some more information. What does your webserver's PHP error log say?
I found the /var/log/apache2/error_log It says: [Fri May 03 10:11:54 2013] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function load() on a non-object in /Users/d/Sites/h/extensions/pdf_include.php on line 39, referer: http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/h/index.php?title=Testpdf&action=submit
On 05/02/2013 09:09 PM, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
On Thu, 2 May 2013, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
On Thu 02 May 2013 09:04:42 AM EDT, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
What do I wrong?
To help you fix the problem, I need some more information. What does your webserver's PHP error log say?
It says: [Fri May 03 10:11:54 2013] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function load() on a non-object in /Users/d/Sites/h/extensions/pdf_include.php on line 39, referer: http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/h/index.php?title=Testpdf&action=submit
The PDF_Include extension that you are using has a bug. I took some time today to look at this today and updated the code. You should update your code and try again: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:PDF_Include
The PDF_Include extension that you are using has a bug. I took some time today to look at this today and updated the code. You should update your code and try again: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:PDF_Include
Thanks, Mark. I see you did a lot, and now it works. At least, it allows to save the page with a PDF image and shows the pic. I made the preliminary test at http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/h/index.php/Testpdf
There is still a strange thing: if the PDF figure is loaded at the page, then it intercepts the keys "command,+" and "command,-" ; now, the zooming-in and zooming-out apply only to the PDF figures. However, the buttons "View","Bigger" and "View","Smaller" at the Macintosh menu bar seem to work as previously.
At the Linux brousers, the analogies, I suspect, are "control,+" and "control,-"; so, perhaps, you can reproduce the effect.
Such a mode (if one knows about this) could be useful to see details of the complicated figures, without to change the scaling of the description in the text. however, such a behavior looks unexpected; is it intentional? I suggest that you keep this option; althopugh I doubt if it should be default.
Is it possible to make the <pdf> program to get the data about sizes of the PDF figure from the included file?
I read, you suggest 400px as default size of the figure... Is it possible to ask the <pdf> to scale the figure to fit the frame indicated, as a default?
I think, this would correspond to the wiki style of loading of figures in other formats.
Hello, Mark. I continue the testing. At the attempt to load a long text file ( 4M +), the wiki suggested, that the file size should not exceed 2048K. (And did not save). At the attempt to save part of that file (some of order of 1.8M) the following message is observed:
Database error A database query syntax error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software. The last attempted database query was: (SQL query hidden) from within function "Revision::insertOn". Database returned error "2006: MySQL server has gone away (".
Actually, the MySQL does not seem to go away: the mediawiki respons other requests. Who sends such a message: MySQL or MediaWiki 1.21.0rc1 ? Did you try to save a long page with MediaWiki 1.21.0rc1 ?
On 05/05/2013 10:19 AM, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
"2006: MySQL server has gone away (".
A quick web search turns up this solution from StackOverflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10474922/error-2006-hy000-mysql-server-ha...
Adding this line into my.cnf file solves my problem.
So it looks like an error that you can solve by changing a MySQL setting.
On Sun, 5 May 2013, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
On 05/05/2013 10:19 AM, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
"2006: MySQL server has gone away (".
A quick web search turns up this solution from StackOverflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10474922/error-2006-hy000-mysql-server-ha... max_allowed_packet=64M Adding this line into my.cnf file solves my problem. So it looks like an error that you can solve by changing a MySQL setting.
Mark, thank you for the explanation; it solves the part of the problem. (mysql shold be stopped and then started in order to see the effect.) Now I can load 2,048 kilobytes instead of 1,024 kilobytes at the previous setting. But still I have message
Error: The text you have submitted is 2,424 kilobytes long, which is longer than the maximum of 2,048 kilobytes. It cannot be saved.
There are hints at http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Configuring_file_uploads it suggests:
$wgUploadSizeWarning = 2147483648; $wgMaxUploadSize = 2147483648; Also, modify the following lines in PHP.INI: memory_limit = 2048M (this line may not be necessary) post_max_size = 2048M upload_max_filesize = 2048M
As I understand, the lines with dollars refer to LocalSettings.php and the PHP.INI refers to /private/etc/php.ini I have edited these two files, but still I have the same error message. Perhaps, there is at least one more lock I cannot find.
On 05/07/2013 07:15 AM, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
I have edited these two files, but still I have the same error message.
Did you restart apache after editing php.ini?
On 05/07/2013 07:15 AM, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
Error: The text you have submitted is 2,424 kilobytes long, which is longer than the maximum of 2,048 kilobytes. It cannot be saved.
There are hints at http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Configuring_file_uploads
Why are you trying to create wikipages that are so large? Also, you're looking in the wrong place. The error doesn't come from uploading a file but from editing a wikipage. The message is longpageerror (which you can see at http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/h/index.php/MediaWiki:Longpageerror) and is displayed when you attempt to create an article longer than $wgMaxArticleSize (see: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgMaxArticleSize).
Before increasing the size, though, you should think about how many wiki pages you anticipate being that long.
Tue, 07 May 2013 08:14:47 -0400 From: Mark A. Hershberger
Did you restart apache after editing php.ini?
No. I even do not know how to restart apache.
Tue, 07 May 2013 08:27:59 -0400
Why are you trying to create wikipages that are so large?
Because you have created the good and powerful instrument, and I have plans to use this tool far away from the usual area of the application. (One of the "crazy ideas" is to make the artificial intellect from the mediawiki, Mathematica, and the google search engine, with minimal connectors in PHP and C++. The poorly optimized programs in Mathematica often create the large notebooks. Yet, I do not need them, but I need to know the limits of the abilities of the software I use.)
Tue, 07 May 2013 08:38:38 -0400
.. http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/h/index.php/MediaWiki:Longpageerror
The ErrorMessage says: Error: The text you have submitted is 1kilobyteslong,whichislongerthanthemaximumof2 kilobytes. It cannot be saved.
It looks strange: why 1K is declared to be longer than 2K ? This would be good for the novel by George Orwell, but not for science.
..(see: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgMaxArticleSize).
Good! At the bottom of LocalSettings.php, I have added line $wgMaxArticleSize = 8388608; then, I already have saved the test article longer than 2M. This seems to be the key I was looking for. Thank you very much! (In few days I'll check, how robust and stable is it.)
Before increasing the size, though, you should think about how many wiki pages you anticipate being that long.
At the testing, only few pages. If I advance writing bots, some millions; perhaps, they will not be for the reading by humans. Yet, it is a little bit SciFi, but few 8 years ago, superfunctions were also SciFi.
On Tue 07 May 2013 10:50:41 PM EDT, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
.. http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/h/index.php/MediaWiki:Longpageerror
The ErrorMessage says: Error: The text you have submitted is 1kilobyteslong,whichislongerthanthemaximumof2 kilobytes. It cannot be saved.
It looks strange: why 1K is declared to be longer than 2K ? This would be good for the novel by George Orwell, but not for science.
It says "$1 kilobytes" and "$2 kilobytes", not "1 kilobytes" and "2 kilobytes". The messages are used by the code and $1 and $2 stand for the first and second arguments passed when the message is displayed. This makes the wiki able to display these messages in whatever language the user has selected.
See https://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=MediaWiki:Longpageerror/kab&acti... for an example of how these messages can be translated to other languages.
At the bottom of LocalSettings.php, I have added line $wgMaxArticleSize = 8388608; then, I already have saved the test article longer than 2M. This seems to be the key I was looking for. Thank you very much! (In few days I'll check, how robust and stable is it.)
Please do not fail to report back your findings.
On Wed, 8 May 2013, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
It looks strange: why 1K is declared to be longer than 2K ?
It says "$1 kilobytes" and "$2 kilobytes", not "1 kilobytes"..
Ah, I understand, this is joke by MathJax. In a page with a PHP code, the MathJax should be suppressed.
.. display these messages in whatever language the user has selected. https://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=MediaWiki:Longpageerror/kab&acti... for an example of how these messages can be translated to other languages.
I look for the suppression of the other languages in the menu and messages; only pages may be in various languages. If the menu suddenly (for example, by some unoatner press of some key) changes to some language of tribe Umgu-Jumbu, then it is very difficult to recover the default. I had such an accident with Mathematica, and I would not like MediaWiki to have the same trap.
Please do not fail to report back your findings.
I describe the customization at http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/c/index.php/Wo:About although I think this could be done better. Is this a correct place to load my report? Shuold I upload there aslo the modification of skins/vector ? (I could not make copy of vector, so, I modify the canonical skin)
On Wed, 8 May 2013, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
Please do not fail to report back your findings.
Mark, I continue to make new "findings" and report them.
Today, I made some duplicate of site http://tori.ils.uec.ac.jp/TORI (desconnected by decision of Hitoki Yoneda, director); the duplicate is at http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/TORID and some functins do not work well there. For example, figure http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/TORID/index.php/File:Tetsheldonmap03.png does not show. I tried to upload the plot again, and got the diagnostics Internal error [1f5fe00e] 2013-05-13 12:25:43: Fatal exception of type UploadStashFileException
I upload the same image to http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/c/index.php/File:Tetsheldonmap03.png At c, no problems.
About http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/TORID : I have dumped the database from old wiki and loaded it to server mizugadro; and I had copied the shell files and images as http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/TORI But the result does not work at all, it shows the empty frame.
Then I made new wiki from MediaWiki 1.21.0rc1 package at http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/TORID and gave it the same database, and made the symbolik link to the images. The result is usable, but some functions tail.
It seemed to me, that, while copying a wiki, the only database should be dumped and the file with images should be copied; the other staff should be taken from the distribution of mediawiki, as the old copy does not work at another computer. Now I see, there are still some tricks I have to understand. This is intermediate report, I keep trying.
On 05/05/2013 06:23 AM, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
Is it possible to make the <pdf> program to get the data about sizes of the PDF figure from the included file?
I think it should be possible.
I read, you suggest 400px as default size of the figure...
That was just something I suggested for no particular reason. I certainly would give that opinion any more weight than any other.
Is it possible to ask the <pdf> to scale the figure to fit the frame indicated, as a default?
I'm sure this would be possible with Javascript, But I think you are asking for a fixed max size which is based on a default of 800x600 or the user preference from a list of sizes. It would certainly be possible to respect the user's preferences.
Is that something you want to try to add?
On Sun, 5 May 2013, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
On 05/05/2013 06:23 AM, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
Is it possible to make the <pdf> program to get the data about sizes of the PDF figure from the included file?
I think it should be possible.
Consider to make it default.
I read, you suggest 400px as default size of the figure...
That was just something I suggested for no particular reason. I certainly would give that opinion any more weight than any other.
My needs may be pretty different from needs of the most of users; so, consider them critically.
Is it possible to ask the <pdf> to scale the figure to fit the frame indicated, as a default?
I'm sure this would be possible with Javascript, But I think you are asking for a fixed max size which is based on a default of 800x600 or the user preference from a list of sizes. It would certainly be possible to respect the user's preferences.
My preference would be, if the PDF files can be loaded in the same way, as I load the JPG,GIF and PNG. I would use this in tens (or even hundreds) of pages. As for the special key to zoom only the PDF images, this may be useful for few pages; perhaps, in some appendices, for some fractals, etc.
Is that something you want to try to add? ..
Mark, not yet. I am still beginner. Yet, I cannot add my contribution to the software. I can only run that you do and indicate the cases, when the MediaWiki and its extensions do something different from that I would like them to do.
I could not install the ShortURL, I could not install the Extension:PdfHandler. (And I still do not understand, why the PDF files should be handled in a way, pretty different from that for JPG, GIF and PNG.) I could not even make a copy the "Vector" skin (In order to leave more place for the main text, I have to modify the original skin). And there are many other things I still cannot do. The version you offer seems to be very good; but I think, it could be much better.
From my point of view, the scripts, that determine the skins,
are too complicated. Moving one button often affects many others. I do not unrarstand, why the sintax for the left hand side menu bar is so different from the sintax of the regular pages. I did not find a way to reduce the active area for the logo; in many cases, it extends much farther than the logo image. And there are many other things I would do in different way. May be, one day I'll be able to make my own skin.
Below I explain, why do I learn this. My initial intent was to use the software, that supports the formula typing, cross-references, image uploading, and keeps memory about previous versions; in order not to learn HTML, Java, PHP, MuSQL, nor MediaWiki.. Then in happened, that in our University, there is no one honest specialist, that could handle MediaWiki; but there are some vandals, who seem to be bribed by my scientific opponents, and pretend to be specialists.. They attacked wiki "TORI", without to make any critical note on its content at the discussion pages. They plundered its URL, and I had to raise the international scandal in order to get it back. My goal is not a scandal, but the simple and robust database to store my results and links to the publications I consider to be important. For this reason I test your MediaWiki. I often use the equipment, and, in particular, the software, in a way, pretty different from that the creators usually keep in thier minds. For this reason, I catch many problems; some of them are my errors, but other are just bugs of the software. I already got the working version of Mediawiki, that seems to be sufficient for my needs; but it is difficult to stop, while I see that the installation can be done even better..
I am not sure if you understand my motivation.. I usually work on things, that are believed to be IMPOSSIBLE. I dislike to write scripts, that can be easily programmed by the professionals. I could contribute, making holomorphic function(s) with required properties (and the efficient numeric implementations), if you need some. But I suspect, this is off-topic..
On Thu, 4 Apr 2013, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
.. http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-1.21.0rc1.tar.gz
Mark, your mediawiki seems to run at http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/wi/Test
Somehow I had missed this announcement but I had downloaded version 1.21.0rc1 in order to solve the incredibly slow job queue in version 1.20, which was also slowing down my whole wiki.
Everything seems to be working fine; jobs run a maximum warp and the queue is becoming tiny.
There is just one issue that I would like to mention: in my database (MySQL) pre-upgrade jobs have job_random set to 0 and do not seem to be picked up -not even when I use the option --type=replaceText.
I can repeat the replace text operations, so this is not big problem for me. However, if this is the normal behaviour for an upgrade, maybe it should be mentioned in the notes somewhere.
Thanks for all the work from a very happy user,
On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 1:49 AM, Mark A. Hershberger mah@everybody.orgwrote:
I've just finished preparing the first release candidate for MediaWiki 1.21 and I'd like your help testing it before the final release.
Please download the release candidate and test it. If you find any bugs please report them on Bugzilla[1] and make sure I am added as a CC so that we can fix any show-stoppers before the final release.
Finally, if you could also look over https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki_1.21, I'll be using an edited version of that to make the final announcement. If you spot problems or areas that could use clarification, your help in improving it would be appreciated.
Full release notes: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Release_notes/1.21
Download: http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-1.21.0rc1.tar.gz
Patch to previous version (1.20.0), without interface text: http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-1.21.0rc1.patch.gz Interface text changes: http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-i18n-1.21.0rc1.patch.gz
GPG signatures: http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-1.21.0rc1.tar.gz.sig http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-1.21.0rc1.patch.gz.sig
Public keys: https://secure.wikimedia.org/keys.html
MediaWiki-l mailing list MediaWiki-l@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/mediawiki-l
On 04/05/2013 03:01 PM, Isabel Gancedo wrote:
Everything seems to be working fine; jobs run a maximum warp and the queue is becoming tiny.
Excellent. I see this line in the "New features" list from the Release notes:
The Job system was refactored to allow for different backing stores for queues as well as cross-wiki access to queues, among other things. The schema for the DB queue was changed to support better concurrency and reduce deadlock errors.
Perhaps that deserves more attention?
There is just one issue that I would like to mention: in my database (MySQL) pre-upgrade jobs have job_random set to 0 and do not seem to be picked up -not even when I use the option --type=replaceText.
I can repeat the replace text operations, so this is not big problem for me. However, if this is the normal behaviour for an upgrade, maybe it should be mentioned in the notes somewhere.
This may be a bug that was introduced during the refactoring. Could you file one?
Thank you for your helpful comments!
Dear Mark. mediawiki-1.21.0rc1 with all the extensions you provide seems to run well at http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/a
Do you plan to include also the ShortUrl and MathJacks into the tarbunch, to allow the installing with two clicks?
======================================= On Sun, 31 Mar 2013, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
I've just finished preparing the first release candidate for MediaWiki 1.21 and I'd like your help testing it before the final release.
Please download the release candidate and test it. If you find any bugs please report them on Bugzilla[1] and make sure I am added as a CC so that we can fix any show-stoppers before the final release.
Finally, if you could also look over https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki_1.21, I'll be using an edited version of that to make the final announcement. If you spot problems or areas that could use clarification, your help in improving it would be appreciated.
[1] https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=MediaWiki&cc=mah@ev...
Full release notes: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Release_notes/1.21
Download: http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-1.21.0rc1.tar.gz
Patch to previous version (1.20.0), without interface text: http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-1.21.0rc1.patch.gz Interface text changes: http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-i18n-1.21.0rc1.patch.gz
GPG signatures: http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-1.21.0rc1.tar.gz.sig http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-1.21.0rc1.patch.gz.sig http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-i18n-1.21.0rc1.patch.gz.si...
Public keys: https://secure.wikimedia.org/keys.html
MediaWiki-l mailing list MediaWiki-l@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/mediawiki-l
On 04/12/2013 03:22 AM, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
Do you plan to include also the ShortUrl and MathJacks into the tarbunch, to allow the installing with two clicks?
Is anyone else here opposed to the inclusion of ShertURL for RC3?
While there is a MathJax, I have a feeling that the Math extension with "$wgUseMathJax = true" would be better since that is used on WMF wiki sites.
I would offer a suggestion. I would love to see two different tarballs offered. One that is ONLY MediaWiki and another with bundled extensions. I manage my suite of extensions mostly via git and it worries me when I update that the tarball is going to blow away newer bits in my extensions. This would be alleviated with a tar that is "core only" or something.
Just my $0.02. Jamie Thingelstad jamie@thingelstad.com mobile: 612-810-3699 find me on AIM Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
On Apr 12, 2013, at 7:59 AM, Mark A. Hershberger mah@everybody.org wrote:
On 04/12/2013 03:22 AM, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
Do you plan to include also the ShortUrl and MathJacks into the tarbunch, to allow the installing with two clicks?
Is anyone else here opposed to the inclusion of ShertURL for RC3?
While there is a MathJax, I have a feeling that the Math extension with "$wgUseMathJax = true" would be better since that is used on WMF wiki sites.
It is not the case that simple clear questions have simple clear answers, not even in the world of pure ideas, and much less so in the messy real world of everyday life. -- Gregory Chaitin, "Paradoxes of Randomness"
MediaWiki-l mailing list MediaWiki-l@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/mediawiki-l
On 04/12/2013 10:16 AM, Jamie Thingelstad wrote:
I would offer a suggestion. I would love to see two different tarballs offered. One that is ONLY MediaWiki and another with bundled extensions.
This makes a lot of sense. I'll release RC3 with a "core" version and one with the bundled extensions.
That's aweomse! Thank you! Jamie Thingelstad jamie@thingelstad.com mobile: 612-810-3699 find me on AIM Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
On Apr 12, 2013, at 11:27 AM, Mark A. Hershberger mah@everybody.org wrote:
On 04/12/2013 10:16 AM, Jamie Thingelstad wrote:
I would offer a suggestion. I would love to see two different tarballs offered. One that is ONLY MediaWiki and another with bundled extensions.
This makes a lot of sense. I'll release RC3 with a "core" version and one with the bundled extensions.
It is not the case that simple clear questions have simple clear answers, not even in the world of pure ideas, and much less so in the messy real world of everyday life. -- Gregory Chaitin, "Paradoxes of Randomness"
MediaWiki-l mailing list MediaWiki-l@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/mediawiki-l
On Fri, 12 Apr 2013, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
On 04/12/2013 10:16 AM, Jamie Thingelstad wrote:
I would offer a suggestion. I would love to see two different tarballs offered. One that is ONLY MediaWiki and another with bundled extensions.
This makes a lot of sense. I'll release RC3 with a "core" version and one with the bundled extensions.
If Mark includes the ShortURL and MathJax to the tarball, this will be great. I suspect, many users, like me, cannot install the extensions by themselves, and we have to learn the software, instead of to be just users. The idea of Mediawiki is to release the people from the need to learn PHP, HTML, JAVA, MySQL, Apache, etc. The bare version is already avialable through the git; if Mark adds the ShortURL and MathJax to the tarball, then I'll have no need to learn the PHP and Apache!
I continue testing the MediaWiki 1.21.0rc1 distribution. I continue trying to make the ShortURL. I modified added several lines to /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and modified the LocalSetting.php folowing instructions at http://shorturls.redwerks.org/?fcgi_pass= but this did not work; the brouser cannot find the short URL. It seems to me, modification of /etc/apache2/httpd.conf does not affect anything. I am not sure if this is failure of the MediaWiki 1.21.0rc1 . In certains sense, it is a fault of the distribution: It includes many extensions, which seem to me useless, while the important extensions, namely, ShortURL and MathJax, are not included; so, one has to learn Apache, PHP and other things, in order to understand the instructions, how to install these extensions and how to make them work.
I hope, Mark A. Hershberger makes the distribution, that includes at least Cite, MathJax, ShortURL, Poem by default. The first three extensions are the most important, but the fourth extension, "poem", is also useful: it simplifies the copypast of the C++ codes; so, better to keep it in the future verions. Now only two of the four extensions I need are included in the tarball.
My preliminary concluson about MediaWiki 1.21.0rc1 : In the present form of the distribution of Mediawiki, the installing of the extensions requires long, heavy and dangerous (at least for the server) work and/or a lot of skills from the downloader.
Dear Mark. I continue testing; today I could install MathJax; and it seems to work well with MediaWiki 1.21.0rc1 The installing was not so difficult, it is mainly straigitforward. (However, the debris from the previous attempts should be removed.) I think, you can easy include the MathJax into your package.
As for the ShortURL - not yet. Few times I tried, but the brouser does not see the ShortURL. Perhaps, it is not so easy to write the universal algorithm for the installing. I am about to give up trying to install it in a civilized way. I have learned some of PHP and HTML, and I can create a set of directories with corresponding unconditional redirections, one per each MediaWiki article. This is brutal and barbarian solution, but it seems to work independently on the platform; so, you may consider to write something similar for your tarball. Definitely, you can do this much better than I do. (This is my first serious and meaningful PHP script!)
I continue the testing. While, I see no option to download the *.pdf pictures nor to include the images from WikiMedia Commun. I'll search and I hope to find these options in future.
Dear Mark. I continue testing; today I could install MathJax; ..
Sorry, I have a problem: the integral, typed at mediawiki, look well at the Preview, but it disappears after to save the page. Could you look please at http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/b
On 04/13/2013 03:07 PM, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
Could you look please at http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/b
Looks good to me.
If you are having trouble with the MathJax extension, you should make sure you are reporting the problems to the maintainer of that extension. One of the reasons I would rather bundle the Math extension (which also supports MathJax) is that the people working on it are on this list.
On 04/13/2013 03:07 PM, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
Looks good to me.
Thank you for your visit.
If you are having trouble with the MathJax extension, you should make sure you are reporting the problems to the maintainer of that extension.
The mantainers know about this, as they suggest the suppression of the cache. If there are many formulas at a page, it may be slow to load because the cache is suppressed. Not a big deal.
One of the reasons I would rather bundle the Math extension (which also supports MathJax) is that the people working on it are on this list.
Thank you. Next time I hope get it together with other staff, and have no need to install it manually.
Consider, if anything can be done about ShorURL. I could not install it by myself. I suspect, this is not a bug of the extension, but my inability to understand the instructions on the installing. Does it work with MediaWiki 1.21.0rc1 at your computer?
Mark, I continue testing the extensions. "Your" version seems to be better than previous versions, because you include many extensions at once. But I still think, it could be even better. More notes and suggestions are at http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/c
On 04/16/2013 12:38 PM, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
But I still think, it could be even better. More notes and suggestions are at http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/c
Thank you for your comments. They're very helpful.
<quote name="Jamie Thingelstad" date="2013-04-12" time="09:16:36 -0500">
I would offer a suggestion. I would love to see two different tarballs offered. One that is ONLY MediaWiki and another with bundled extensions. I manage my suite of extensions mostly via git and it worries me when I update that the tarball is going to blow away newer bits in my extensions. This would be alleviated with a tar that is "core only" or something.
This seems like a reasonable suggestion and it might even make packagers' jobs easier (if they package extensions separately).
Hello, Mark. I just installed the cache setting; long pages become an order of magnitude faster to load. I think, you should make the caching to be default. Or consider to supply the hint at your set-up program. I think, for beginners, it should suggest the command memcached -d -l -p 11211 -m 64 from the command line; then, value at the first example seems to be correct choice. I got this hint from the manual at http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Memcached Consider to copypast this hint to the installer. You may repeat it also to the README file, and as comment in the LocalSettings.php I think, it is important, because it is difficult to guess. (at least, for those, who do not understand the meaning of the abracadabra "memcached -d -l ..." )
On Sun, 31 Mar 2013, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
I've just finished preparing the first release candidate for MediaWiki 1.21 and I'd like your help testing it before the final release.
Download: http://mah.everybody.org/mediawiki/1.21/mediawiki-1.21.0rc1.tar.gz