Thanks Marcin, this pointed me in the right direction.
I had originally used FTP to recursively set the permissions on /images but this had not taken on some folders.
I don't know why -- they all have the same owner. So after your note I "su chmod -R 0777 images" and this worked ok.
Sometimes I think there are background controls in one-click PaaS environments that are not transparent.
Happy New Year!
On Sat, 2 Jan 2016 02:55:03 +0000 (UTC) Marcin Cieslak wrote:
Message: 7 Date: Sat, 2 Jan 2016 02:55:03 +0000 (UTC) From: Marcin Cieslak To: Subject: Re: [MediaWiki-l] file uoloads cannot create directory Message-ID:
On 2015-12-30, David Shaw wrote:
Hi I thought it might be somehow a change in permissions so I sudo chmod 777 images.
I have $wgShowExceptionDetails = true; but at the moment I'm not getting any details, just this error message:
Could not create directory "mwstore://local-backend/local-public/4/44".
Can you check the owner/group/permissions on your "4" directory under "images" (or wherever your $wgUploadDirectory points to)?
I've had cases where the "images" directory had correct settings but some of the subdirectories were not.
You can check all the directories using:
find $wgUploadDirectory -type d -ls
(where $wgUploadDirectory is the actual path your $wgUploadDirectory MediaWiki variable points to).