Hi, I'm building a custom mediawiki skin for 'dual contents view' trying to show another wiki content on the right panel 'Secondary Content'.
Please refer the link. https://www.dropbox.com/s/e3cfk5d73k1xwyt/DualPanelView%20Skin%20for%20Media...
A concept is the following.
Step(1) If a user click a specific 'word', Step(2) a linked wiki page will be displayed on the second content panel. First part (1) seems easier, putting a custom tag which make special a href tag would be a solution.
However part (2), I could not find a solution. ( Considering div(with Ajax if it is possible) alternatively iframe. )
I've selected a base skin with 'monobook' since it is easier to customize by fixing MonoBookTemplete.php and main.css. (I can adjust CSS, but not familiar with PHP)
If I use the following code in the <div>, the second panel synchronizes with the main panel while viewing or editing the content. Of course to display another wiki text, this is not a solution... <?php $this->html( 'bodytext' ) ?>
Could you give me some hints - which method/functions can be used to display 'other wikitext' not current text?
-Michael K.
p.s Advice for Step(1) also would be very appreciated.