Hi - I have trouble getting Mediawiki to accept file upload on a Windows NT server with Apache, On another NT server it works fine.
The Error is: Could not copy file "C:/tmp/php1AA.tmp" to "C:\webroot\kiwi/images/e/e6/Sample.jpg".
The permissions on the images folder are allright, and a small homemade php script for uploading has no trouble doing that to the folder.
I'we checked the php.ini, httpd.conf and Localsettings.php on both servers for differences, but without finding any clues.
I realize that I could reinstall Apache, PHP and even MySQL on the one server, but I'd rather not, so if anyone has a few ideas what I ought to try next, it would be appreciated.
NT Server with Upload not working Apache 2.0.48 MediaWiki: 1.2.4 PHP: 4.3.4 MySQL: 4.0.18-nt
NT server with Upload Working Apache 2.0.43 MediaWiki: 1.2.4 PHP: 4.3.1 MySQL: 3.23.55-nt
Best regards Torben Bo Pedersen