where can i edit the
<head> <meta= ..... tags robots etc.?
thank you!
This is the result of the OutputPage.php function addMetaTags (), but a part of it comes also simply from the skeleton of the page (templates/xhtml-slim)
If you want to see a customized version of the the "keywords" included in each page meta:
Hope it helps Fxparlant (François pour les intimes)
Adam Julius Angel wrote:
where can i edit the
<head> <meta= ..... tags robots etc.?
thank you!
Thank you very much,
is this ($a , 0 , 10 ) ; # 10 keywords max) the right place to edit some keywords.
best, Adam
function addMetaTags () { global $wgLinkCache , $wgOut ; $good = array_keys ( $wgLinkCache->mGoodLinks ) ; $bad = array_keys ( $wgLinkCache->mBadLinks ) ; $a = array_merge ( $good , $bad ) ; $a = array_slice ( $a , 0 , 10 ) ; # 10 keywords max $a = implode ( ',' , $a ) ; $strip = array( "/<.*?" . ">/" => '', "/[_]/" => ' ' ); $a = htmlspecialchars(preg_replace(array_keys($strip), array_values($strip),$a ));
$wgOut->addMeta ( 'KEYWORDS' , $a ) ; }