Hi, all!
We recently implemented the LDAP authentication extension: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:LDAP_Authentication
It's working very well, but we now have a couple of folks who work on our campus, but who are not in our group in Active Directory-in fact, two of them are with other schools that share the campus-who would like access to the wiki. Is there a way to mix authentication? We can always make these people sponsored users so that they are added to our group, but I'd prefer a mixed authentication approach.
Thanks in advance!
Nina McHale, MA/MSLS Assistant Professor, Web Librarian University of Colorado Denver, Auraria Library Facebook & Twitter: ninermac http://milehighbrarian.net
Maybe try setting $wgLDAPUseLocal = true? Then create accounts within mediawiki for your other users. http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:LDAP_Authentication/Options#Domain.2...