I would like to know if anyone already install Sphider into Mediawiki to replace the built-in search engine? Anyone got an online tut somewhere ?
Thanks by advance,
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I would like to know if anyone already install Sphider into Mediawiki to replace the built-in search engine? Anyone got an online tut somewhere ?
As far as I know, Sphider has not yet been integrated. To see what other alternate search solutions are available, take a look at http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Category:Search_extensions . I am not sure if any of these would meet your needs.
johan.boye@latecoere.fr skrev:
I would like to know if anyone already install Sphider into Mediawiki to replace the built-in search engine? Anyone got an online tut somewhere ?
Thanks by advance,
Could this be what you are looking for?: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:SphinxSearch
Regards Samuel