I upgraded from MW 1.6.3 to 1.9.2 and image maps no longer work. I was using the version from Shannon McNaught (SM) (one of the examples on the chekmate.org imagemap page is from my wiki - Shannon helped sort out some problems with imagemap on my wiki). However, it no longer functions.
I looked at the Meta page on imagemaps and saw a link to a 1.9 compatible version of imagemap by Tim Starling (TS). This one "works", however is not compatible with the old imagemap extension.
It is entirely possible these problems are something I am doing wrong, however:
1 - SM version uses map files; TS version embeds map info inline. The former is easier to maintain if the map is used in many locations - e.g. multilingual wiki. Is there a syntax for TS that allows map files to be used?
2 - SM version is case insensitive. TS version insists that keywords (poly, rect etc) are lower case.
3 - SM version's map files are virtually identical to HTML map syntax making HTML map tools easy to use to generate map files. TS version doesn't seem to like comma-delimited vertices etc.
Before I spend a lot of time converting all the maps on my wiki to use the TS extension, is there any possibility of finding a way to make the two versions compatible? I prefer the low-maintenance aspects of SM's version but need to fix imagemap real soon.