Hello List,
currently I am adopting the PreviewGallery Gadget originally developed by Magnus Manske. Now I have a problem with the API. Is it possible to get the Timestamps from Images like in the query.php?
The old version was: query.php?what=categories&clextended&format=xml&titles=Bild:LC80.JPG
This creates the following Output: (as you can see with "timestamp" in the cl branch) <yurik> <perf> <total startup="271" dbtime="1.2" time="294.7"/> <pageInfo dbtime="0.7" time="22.4"/> <categories dbtime="0.5" time="1"/> </perf> <pages> <page> <ns>6</ns> <title>Bild:LC80.JPG</title> <id>243</id> <touched>20080625085045</touched> <revid>797</revid> <categories> <cl ns="14" sortkey="Bild:LC80.JPG" timestamp="2008-06-25 08:50:45">Kategorie:Plattform 1</cl> <cl ns="14" sortkey="Bild:LC80.JPG" timestamp="2008-06-25 08:50:45">Kategorie:Prospektfotos</cl> </categories> </page> </pages> </yurik> ......
Now with the NEW Api I am trying the following: api.php?action=query&prop=categories&clprop=sortkey&format=xml&titles=Bild:LC80.JPG
I am getting almost the same, but not the timestamps: <api> <query> <pages> <page pageid="243" ns="6" title="Bild:LC80.JPG"> <categories> <cl ns="14" title="Kategorie:Plattform 1" sortkey="Bild:LC80.JPG"/> <cl ns="14" title="Kategorie:Prospektfotos" sortkey="Bild:LC80.JPG"/> </categories> </page> </pages> </query> </api>
The official Documentation of the API tells me to use "clprop" as a parameter to "prop=categories" but it always throws the error "<error code="clunknown_clprop" info="Unrecognised value for parameter 'clprop'"/>" after appending "clprop=timestamp" to my calling routine.
Is there somebody who can help me?
Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Tobias Heilmannseder Softwareentwickler