We are pleased to announce the first MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference [0], the successor to EMWCon.

The conference will be held in Portland, Oregon, from April 17–19 at the Jupiter NEXT Hotel [1]. 

The MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference brings together the community that makes up MediaWiki – those who develop for MediaWiki, those who deploy MediaWiki, and those who use MediaWiki and are enthusiastic about the software. MediaWiki is used every day in a variety of contexts – educational projects, corporate knowledge bases, even online hobbyist communities – all valuing MediaWiki for its flexibility and its openness. By meeting together we can learn from our experiences and continue to build a true community of support for MediaWiki.

Registration is open now. [2] Register soon to take advantage of the early bird discount!

See the conference page for local accommodations. [3] Everyone who is attending is encouraged to stay at either of these hotels, where we have negotiated group rates.

If you have ideas for the program, add them to the wiki page. [4] While this will primarily be an in-person conference, we will consider remote presentations on a case-by-case basis.

Looking forward to seeing you in Portland!

Best regards,
the MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Organizing Team

[0] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki_Users_and_Developers_Conference_2024

[1] https://www.jupiterhotel.com/the-next

[2] https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mediawiki-users-and-developers-conference-spring-2024-tickets-817290366487

[3] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki_Users_and_Developers_Conference_2024#Local_accommodations

[4] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki_Users_and_Developers_Conference_2024#Program