Thanks Yaron. Two followup questions:(1) How would you implement a hierarchy of place types using Cargo? Would you just have a TYPE field (nation, city, neighborhood) and PARTOF field with all pages being part of category PLACE? Or would you try to do something more sophisticated with categories (place:nation, place:city) ?(2) Is there any way to autocomplete on a set of pages that match a query? Perhaps a query that draws from the current contents of form pulldown menus, etc?_______________________________________________On Wed, Sep 1, 2021 at 9:09 PM Yaron Koren <> wrote:Hi David,I believe this is two separate issues. The first is, I believe, due to a bug that existed with #template_display, where it didn't display links for fields of type "Page" that also have a list of allowed values defined for them. I just checked in a fix for this, so if you get the latest Page Forms code, it should hopefully work correctly.The second isn't actually a bug, I don't think. When you set autocompletion for a field of type Page, you have two choices: you can autocomplete based on values that have already been entered for that field, or you can autocomplete based on the set of wiki pages that the field is meant to hold. By default, it's the first one - which means that you will only see a value in the autocompletion after it's been entered at least once. Ultimately, it probably doesn't really matter which one you do - but if you stick with this approach, you'll need to manually enter each value once.-YaronOn Wed, Sep 1, 2021 at 2:08 PM David Epstein <> wrote:_______________________________________________Hi folks,I'm working with Cargo, PageForms, and PageSchemas. I'm trying to define a hierarchy of places (all assigned to category "Place"). I'm probably doing several things wrong. The hierarchy is roughly:SolarSytem- -> Planet --> Continent --> Nation --> SubRegion --> City --> NeighborhoodI used PageSchemas to generate a "Place" Cargo table, Form, and Template. It has two fields right now. (1) The "Type" Cargo field is a Page with a list of possible inputs from the hierarchy above. The "Type" Template is text with autocomplete. (2) The "PartOf" field is identical except it has no list of possible inputs since I was hoping it would draw from page instances.When I choose a Place "Type" from the list, the selection is displayed as static text, not as a link (even if I manually create a page with the same name). When I try to choose a Place "PartOf", autocomplete never finds the places I've already generated.What is the proper way to create such a hierarchy? My approach does not generate real subcategories like Place:SolarSystem and Place:Planet. Is that what I should be doing? Does that require each subcategory to have its own schema, form, and template?Thanks for your guidance,-david
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